Chapter 16

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   Harry 's p.o.v

   I was thinking about how to tell this situation to Racheal until Liam saved me by telling everything to her.But all she does is standing there with a mixture of shock,surprise ,sad and anger?.

   Then Sophia said "Guys ,let's not forget that tonight will be Racheal's second transformation,it's full moon tonight ".It hit me when I heard 'second transformation'.

      Racheal looked frightened ,then Ed said " It's getting late now lock her in Harry's room quickly! ".Everyone rushed towards Racheal but I stopped them by saying "Let me ".I carried her bridal style to my room, placed her on our bed while the others trail behind us, I opened the window to let the moonlight unique blue moonlight shine into our room. I want to kiss her but she denied me so I kissed her cheeks. The others stood outside the room waiting for my arrival out. It hurts that my mate denied my kiss, I took one last glance at Racheal before walking out of my room, once I'm out Louis locked the door.Then Liam said "Haz ,you will sleep in the living room tonight and everyone please ignore the plea for Haz 's room including you to Harry, you may also fell her pain so I will be with you in the living room, now let's have dinner "Zayn interupts by saying "You seriously gonna have dinner?? what about Racheal??""The meals are allready in the room"

   " Okay come on Haz,you are not going to let Niall finish the food rite??"Zayn asked me "  I'm not hungry"I said "Let him be alone for some time, let's eat".

  When they left I stared at my room door hearing sobs from the girl inside. I could hear her saying "I miss my family and now I am in danger stuck with supernatural creatures,damn it even I am a vampire with a crazy curly haired green eyed vampire who calls himself a prince pfff he is cruel and rude ! ".It hurts to hear her saying those words about me. My legs gave in as I slide down the wall beside the door. I sat there until 12 when the full moonlight shone brightly until I heard her screaming and I felt a burning sensation in my chest, tears filled my eyes as I felt the pain she is going through when the others came running to me and the door but didn't open it.

A/N:Hello here is chapter 16 enjoy

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