Chapter 23

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Harry's p.o.v

I hope they are at home because I really need to find her one way or another with some back up.Those guys might be crazy but they are actually helpful.

Niall and I walked about forty five minutes till we reached a terrace with is made by red roof top and designed brown bricks on the outside of the house. I knocked on the large brown door and it quickly opened to face a boy about age 18 in the human years with black hair, dark brown eyes and tanned skin. "Harry!! Niall!! What a surprise mates"Calum said giving each of us a manly hug and a bro fist.

"Come on in "he spoke with his thick Australian accent .We enter the living room to be met by the other three Michael, Luke and Ashton. We greet each other normally then Ash asked me "Hey mate how are you doing heard you found the 'mate' of yours ,how is she doing "he asked while quoting the 'mate'. "Well about that.... I need you guys... help "I told as they laughed accept Niall. "What Harry seriously you can't handle a girl, is it normally or on bed? Are you that bad in bed haha suck for the vampire "Luke said as the other three were laughing their a*s off. Anger shot through me like a bullet, I pushed Luke against the wall and held him up by his collar of his ripped black t-shirt .

"Shut the f+*k up Luke can't you be serious for a second I came for you guys help and here you are insulting a me "I saw his face was scared so I dropped that younger boy to his feet and stared at me for a few second until Michael came up to me by asking "What is it mate ?"before I could answer Niall beat me to it. "Austin has her and we are now going to his kingdom to find her but there is only two of us so we need your help, Austin can't marry her you know what will happen if he does "they all nodded. Michael turns to the others and asked "Well who is in for some Demonic Vampire Adventure?!!!! The boys including Niall this time accept me was screaming in excitement. I smiled and said " thanks demons "with a wink while my heart was drowning in a pool of sadness and anger.I begun to transform into my vampire version as Niall turned into his brown demonic incubus creature and the others into red and black demons.I spoke in my evil voice " Austin Mahone I'm coming for you and my baby girl..".We bolted out with our supernatural speed into the woods when the sky begins to darken

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