💕Hold On To Love💕

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When you feel like giving up
hold on to love your friends
Love you and care about you
You mean a lot to them
They smile and laugh
Because of you
You make life
Better you make people
Feel strong you make them
See a bit of light
You can't take there pain
Away but if you stay that helps
Friendship is what you need
When your depressed
It keeps you going its
nice to know people care about you
And think the world of you
it just helps
I mean yh your still drowning
But you have hands to pull
You out the water if you let them
Yh your thoughts will say screw that
But your heart will say please save me
And your grab the hand
but none can save you
Unless you let them
I understand its not easy
I'm drowning to wondering
who's gonna save me
when how and why
but I'll never know
I have to save me
I don't know how
but there has to be
I mean if
I can't then how will I ever be free
from my dark mind that cages me
I scream for help
but my screams are shhs
by my demons there so mean
and I thought I was there queen
but no they don't do control sounds like me

Poem is about
Being controlled
By your demons
In your head
But pushing
Past what
Your mind
And letting
Your friends
Save you

Poem is aboutBeing controlledBy your demons In your head But pushing Past what Your mindSaying And letting Your friendsSave you

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