pulling chains

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depression makes you blame
your self for being depressed
because for me I blame my self
It's my fault for the trauma and
Flashbacks it's my fault I'm f.cked
up because I've been told its all
in my head but it feels like I'm
dragging chains that are connected
to rocks, it feels like I'm dragging

them across the sidewalk on to
the stone pathway with every
step I take I'm full of pain but
no one can see these chains
I pull every day and how
exhausting it is no one
can see these chains
unless they are depressed

to because they pull chains
everyday and there so tired
they never get a break from
the horrible chains and how
broken they feel they still
have to get up and go to
school or college or work
they still pull these chains
and act okay the heartbreaking
thing is no one can take the pain
away even if they healed the person
the chains are still there they are
just loose so they can finally move
you think the chains are gone but
the demons come out to play they
have them on their knees and they
tighten the chains again then that
person has to heal again they are

tired all the time no matter how
much sleep they get the time
they wake up they have to pull
chains there should be freedom
and happiness no chains I wish
I could get rid of anyone who
suffers with chains and remove
there chains for good to watch
others be in chains to is just sad
why do the chains have to be
so tight? why can't the chains

the chains stop so we don't
have to fight so hard because
it's really painful and mean
depression is hell and makes
everyone unwell its a crime
especially when people do
nothing wrong to have to
suffer is so cruel to live
in misery is just words I
can't say because its too

painful I hope one day
everyone who is in chains
I hope they stay loose for
you all I hope you are all
happy and free and no
more chains will be around
One day we will all be okay
no chains will exist I just
Know it your all strong

The story behind the poem
It's about being depressed
And you feel you are in chains
Because you can't break out
Of the circle of depression
It's like something is controlling you

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