Poetry is what I write when I don't feel alright its a place I can express my self I made poetry to help my self and I posted it on here so I could look at it everyday I didn't expect people to read it also I don't need help I'm just writing how I f...
I'm walking down this road it's dark and steep I'm walking down this road it's dark and cold I'm walking down this road there's holes Best be careful l I don't fall down I'm walking down this road the darkness is taking over I'm walking down this road there no light nothing shines bright I'm walking down this road none is around I'm alone I can't find my home I'm walking down this road It's so scary all the demons Dancing with me The demons screaming at me just die they say it will be okay just fall don't fly I wanna die That's what the demons say I'm like okay I'm walking down this road It's stormy and rainy where the sun? It's so cloudy in the day It's so dark at night I'm trying to turn a light But I can't I keep failing to find the light I'm walking down this road none is with me Into the darkness I go it's getting darker I'm walking down this road still alone I'm walking down this road crying and screaming I'm walking down this road wondering why?I'm walking down this road trying to live I'm walking down this road it's so bad now I'm walking down this road it's now flooding with water I'm walking down this road trying to swim i'm walking down this road trying to breath I'm walking down this road but now I've fallen to my knees I'm walking Down this road with my demons by my side While my friends run and hide I'm walking down this road trying to survive
Poem Is About Walking down A dark road In your head And there's No ones around Because its Only happening In your mind But it feels real And its painful
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