Depression has taken
over your drowning in sadness
Your screaming for help
none hears your cries
You try to stay strong
But its hard your saying
I can't take this is to much
I'm struggling to Breath
I need to go so I feel free
Depression is winning im not strong
I'm fading away but I fake smile
I act fine when really it should be
A crime because your in pain
You feel Insane you want
People to see your messed up
You need a hand to pull
You out the water you need
Someone to make you feel
Something if you feel empty
depression not sleeping
Because the thoughts are
Screaming keeping you
Up at night telling you
To give up this fight
There saying your
Worthless your fat
And other things
It's getting you
Down you
Need your friends
To turn that Frown
Upside down
Don't you see
There light sadly
You can't see it
Tonight but one night
It will shine bright
Light was there
Before you was
Depressed so
It's still there
Yh it will take time
But don't you see
Your strong
You have survived
Through everything
You can live
You are wanted
You are loved
It's not lies
People care
But depression
Likes to tell
Lies saying
None cares
Don't you see depression
Is you you are depression
It's part of you
It's not you that is
True so find
A friend who
You can trust
Open up
Don't be scared
If they are a real
Friend there care
Life is a roller
Coster not
Gonna lie
It's hard u
Can give up
That ride
You can say
I'm gonna get of
Now you don't want
To ride through
The darkness
In the tunnel
You want to quit
But don't you see
You give up the chances
Of it getting better
At the end of the roller
Coster there's always
Light because the roller
Coaster has to end
Postive why you ask
So you can enjoy the ride
If the roller coster
Ended in darkness then
You would feel hopeless
And depressed but
There's always light
Sadly your blind to it
But it there I mean think
About it after it rains
The sun comes out
When it night the stars
Come out there's light
Everywhere u look
Sadly tho its not
This world that
Has no light
Is yours
But u can
Change that
It takes time
And effort but
Your see light oneday
Sadly just not today
But have faith
It will come onedayPoem is about
Having Hope
In depression
poetry Of Healing
PoesíaPoetry is what I write when I don't feel alright its a place I can express my self I made poetry to help my self and I posted it on here so I could look at it everyday I didn't expect people to read it also I don't need help I'm just writing how I f...