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Some save me
I'm slowly giving up
I need a hug
Say its gonna be okay
I'm in pain so much pain
The thoughts getting dark
I'm falling apart
going in a hole
So deep I can't stand it

I'm falling down
this hole so fast
I try holding on
but there's nothing
to hold on to I'm just
falling the hole is filling up
With water, I'm drowning
trying to find A door so
I can escape this war
I'm just failing no one
cares if I'm dead or alive

I mean why would you?
I'm worth nothing
Just a sad girl
who's lost her way
Her mind full of darkness
the demons trying to take
me away There Controlling
me I'm trying to get out
the water But the demons
are pulling my chains
I'm losing this game
I'm going insane

I'm fighting to be set free
but I'm falling to my knees
These chains are too tight
I'm struggling to breath
I'm trying to feel free
but these chains so strong
The demons are pulling me
in there making me go with
them I'm trying to run
but the demons there
dragging me into hell

I keep fighting these chains
but there now pulling me out
the water and locking me
in a cell, they hung my chains
on a wall, I stand tall I can't
break free so I just sit down
and cry tears I just let
the darkness takes over
me as I suffer for freedom
I've given up I'm done
I stay in these chain trying
to win the game but I'm
breaking no one can pull
these chains away
the demons threw
the key away

so I sit in the dark
my arms folded on
my knees I just put my
head on my knees
and cry I ask why
are the chains so
tight why oh
why? someone

save me, please
I just wanna be okay
The little girl
I once knew
Lost her way
now she's in pain
And cuffed to chains

Poem Is About
Being controlled
By your demons
And you are in
Chains but
None can help
You because your
Locked in a cage
In your mind

Poem Is AboutBeing controlledBy your demonsAnd you are in Chains butNone can helpYou because your Locked in a cageIn your mind

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