🌩Another Dark Night🌞

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Another dark night
I fall apart
I thought I was better
Now I'm back to the start
Another dark night
Feeling cold
Feeling scared
Feeling sad
Feeling hurt
Another dark
Night tears
In my eyes
In my mind
Another dark
Night I'm so lost
My brain is coved
In fog its all mist
I can't see my future
I can't see the light
So I just continue
To walk through
The night
And into the
Light that's what
I say but where's
the light its so cold
Tonight really cold
I'm freezing
My hand is turning
Red its so cold
Another dark
Night trying
to survive
The pain
But tonight
Isn't to dark
But there
Are gonna
be darker
I have to pull
I will live
My demons
Won't win
I'm brave
I'll stand
Tall even
If I fall
I can't give up
There is light
Just can't find
It tonight 
But don't
Mean its
Not there
Its just
I'll find
The light
One day
Just have
to keep
I just have
To go deep
Into the dark
To see the light
Won't be easy
But I'll it through
I love my friends
So I'll make it
Through there
Be tears and screams
But I won't give up

Poem is about
Not giving up
When it gets bad

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