I am broken like glass
I try to put it together
But it just breaks more
so I try stitching it up
With a needle and thread
but I made a messMy heart is still cracked
sadly I made it worse I hold
it close but the pieces have all
come apart I'm looking for each
piece to mend my Heart what
piece goes where? I start To crymy heart is broken like glass
like a broken record that won't
play I'm in so much pain but
I'll hide it With a smile when
broken is all I feel I'll try to
mend My heart with a happySong to fill in the cracks but
sadly nothing Works I grab
plates I smash them So all
there is are pieces I then
grab the glue and try Fixing
it but that's still cracks I just
smash it more because I'm angryI can't mend it just like my heart
I try filling it will love it's never enough the pain is still there it's
never gonna fade away
I'm too broken I'm slowly
going numb because My
heart is broken I nowcan't feel a thing Because
once your heart Is shattered
you can't fix it so you stay numb
until it mends You play music
to flow your Head with sweet tunesbut your poor Heart can't feel a
thing you go to the doctor Hoping they can fix your heart with medicine
But they Can't so you Stay broken
And sharp because your heart
isn't soft No more it's hard And
sharp Because you Have fallen
apart Your heart shatters When
you try pushing it togetherthe truth is once the heart is broken
It takes time to heal Sadly no one
can heal it for you expect your
self just try not to break it more
it's fragile and frail Be careful
with your broken Heart you
only have one Don't break itMore Your just end up sore
And you won't want to live
anymore because a broken heart
will kill you so please try to not
Break your Heart by Loving
someone or bullying your Self
it will just end in Tears your be
on your knees begging it to stop
but no one can help your poor
heart they can try to mend itBut there still be cracks I pray
they don't break it your be more
hurt then before but if your numb
your Feel nothing why You ask
because you Can't break a heartThat's already broken If only
hearts would Mend on its
own there Be no pain then
just Happiness and love to
spread and share But sadly
the heart is crawl and can't
mend on its own Don't listento the Lies in your mind That
will make the Heart take longer
To heal sadly that's The truth💔
a broken heart Takes years to go
back togetherPoem is about
Having a broken
Heart and how it
affects you
poetry Of Healing
PoesíaPoetry is what I write when I don't feel alright its a place I can express my self I made poetry to help my self and I posted it on here so I could look at it everyday I didn't expect people to read it also I don't need help I'm just writing how I f...