🌎World Of Lies😈

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My mind is a mess Sadly
I'm depressed sometimes
I'm empty Sometimes I'm sad
I'm trying to stay strong fighting
my head all day long I get no sleep
mind keeps me up every day

I just feel the beat I have music
By my side, I still don't feel right
I've got a messed up head it wants
me dead though I'll act fine I'm in denial Ill say I'm okay I'm in pain
I can't tell you I will take the blame
if you decide to judge me I don't want
attention when things get bad for me

I want to go to fly to Heaven I can't tell my friends they believe my lies they think I'm fine the truth is I'm suicidal have been for a while I cry sometimes I break down in tears I feel alone, unwanted my friends busy I understand it would just be nice
to have a hand show they care

my mind lies to me every morning to every night it gets worse as days pass
the lies feel true to me I mean who could love you you're fat and ugly I know it isn't true I'm as thin as can be
I lost weight but I'm still unhappy

I could have all the money in the world yet still feel miserable I would give it to those in need by doing good deeds my mind says it's not enough
always knocking me down I frown
in my world it's all dark I try not to believe the words my mind says to me
I live in a world of lies so I can't help it

I don't want to believe the lies my demons say you could've done more they say why are you so useless so lazy why can't you do anything right
I try to make my world filled with sunshine it doesn't last long a cloud
comes floating by making it rain
the demons have come to play

I cry not wanting them to touch me they grab me by the hand and say come play they don't play nice they down me in the water I can't breathe I'm screaming at the top of my lungs I'm silenced I try hitting them to get them to stop it doesn't work they don't care

I remain stuck in the world of lies
trying to survive the demons in my mind your not good enough they say to me making me feel worthless I wish it would all go away I want to see clearly not be blurred by lies I want to be free from this to live in a world that's nicer then this I'm sick of the world of lies destroying my life

The poem is living in a
mind that lies to you
making you feel like
you are nothing

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