high hopes [baby avengers and reader]

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i do not own this all rights go to  SnowyEvening on devinart

Brilliance is usually coupled with madness. And it was sheer chaos now, thanks to a mischief maker named, Loki.
      He came up with a "brilliant" plan to turn "Earth's Mightiest Heros" into, "Earth's Cutest Munchkins". 
      S.H.I.E.L.D assumed it was either for revenge, or to take over Midgard. Either way, it didn't really matter at this point..
      Because, in all his mischief making, he did not anticipate that he would accidentally curse himself too, in the process. 
      S.H.E.I.L.D was very secretive when they briefed you, so you knew very little about the specifics. Regardless, S.H.I.E.L.D seemed to trust you, and Fury was more than happy to have you take them off his hands. And you could certainly see why.
      Three days in, and it was madness each day..
      "Tony!? What are you doing?!" You exclaimed fearfully.
      "See, I'm making an electrical-"
      All you had to hear was the word "electrical" and you took his tools away from him.
      "Hey!" The 13 year old pouted, his arms crossed.
      A clanging noise was heard, followed by sorrowful crying in the other room. And instinctively, you rushed over there to see what the commotion was about.
      Three year old Loki, black hair tosseled about, and pale face flushed, was sitting on the ground, balling his eyes out and pointing at Thor.
      "What happened?!" You asked, worried that he was hurt, as you kneeled down in front of him at near eye level. 
      "He-" Loki whimpered, through shaky breaths. "He broke my helmet!" Loki sniffled, his eyes red from crying.
      "It was an accident brother!" Four year old Thor exclaimed sadly. The blonde handed you the small helmet and the broken piece of the horn to show you what happened.
      "Oh no.. Well, maybe Tony can fix it for you." You said with a soft smile, then pet Loki's head comfortingly. He reached his tiny hands out to you in response, and you picked him up into your arms, his head peeking beyond your shoulder, while you walked into the livingroom.
      Loki glanced at you just a moment, and when he was sure you weren't paying attention, he stuck his tounge out at Thor. 
      The kind hearted warrior pouted, and ran over to the living room, where you now were.
      "___, ___! Loki stuck out his tounge at me." Thor tattled.
      Loki glared. "Why you little-"
      Suddenly you heard baby Bruce cry and you gently put Loki down. "No fighting." You demanded and ran over to Bruce.
      "Why do you have to be so mean?" Thor asked, his expression forlorn. 
      "I don't know maybe cuz I'm a frost giant and you aren't. And anyway, you're the mean one!" Loki accused.
      "I am not mean!" Thor defended.
      "Yes you are! Last time I wanted to get into the cookie jar before dinner, you wouldn't help me." Loki said and crossed his arms, very grumpy.
      "That's because maiden ___ said that we couldn't."
      "You're boring."
      "No I'm not." Thor said, his lip quivering. 
      Six year old Captain America walked up to them. "No need to name call Loki."
      "Well he is! You Midgardians never wanna hear the truth."
      "But it isn't true!" Thor bellowed holding back tears.
      Meanwhile, you had finally shushed baby Bruce and were currently feeding him his bottle, when you suddenly felt something stick to your arm. 
      It was an arrow with a neon orange suction cup at the end.
      "Haha! Gottcha." Five year old Clint grinned and you glared at him slightly.
      He ran over and unstuck the arrow with four year old Natasha close behind. "Clint!"
      "You shouldn't do that to ___, you should get Loki!"
      Clint grinned wide. "Yes!"
      "No. No, no, no, no! Stop it Clint!" You tried, but it was too late...
      Pop! The toy was stuck to Loki's forehead. He gave a deadly glare and ripped off the annoying thing before yelling, "I'm gonna kill you Clint!"
      "No, no, no! There will be no killing in this household! Stop it Loki!" You ordered and Bruce started whimpering so you rocked him gently.
      Clint shot another one at him but this time Loki caught it and flung it back at him so it stuck to the archer's forhead. Clint looked dumbfounded and Loki took this as an opportunity to tackle him.
      Baby Bruce started crying now. "Shhh... it's ok sweetie."
      Steve ran over and yanked Loki off of Clint and they both stood up and glared at eachother. "Now, are you two going to say you're sorry?"
      Loki paused for a moment. "No." He decided and hit Steve in the stomach.
      "Ow! What'd you do that for?!" Steve said with watery eyes, clearly in pain.
      "I do what I want." Loki smirked.
      Steve glared slightly and tackled Loki into a headlock.
      "Hey! Let go of me you stupid Midgardian!" The michevious tot squealed.
      "Be nice!" Steve exclaimed.
      "Thank you Steve." You said and grabbed Loki's hand before Steve let go.
      "It's my duty ma'am." Steve said proudly and saluted with his tiny hand.
      Natasha and Clint snickered at the word "duty" while Steve seemed oblivious to their laughter. 
      "Tony?" You called.
      "Yes sweet thing?" He replied smoothly.
      "Don't call me that, and can you watch Bruce for a moment I need to talk to Loki."
      "Ok... I guess.." He mumbled and took the baby in his arms.
      You walked into the next room with Loki and he smoothed his hair, looking nervous.
      He sighed. "I know what I did was wrong but-"
      "He hurt your feelings?"
      He nodded sadly and softly kicked the ground. "I just want people to like me is all. I don't wanna be mean I just am sometimes." He said, sounding disappointed.
      You looked sympathetic and said, "You know, your brother cares for you a whole lot."
      "No he doesn't." Loki muttered sadly.
      "Sure he does! Just the other day, Tony said something mean about you, and Thor threw his hammer at him."
      "He did that?" Loki asked, amazed. "Wow. ... Well then... how come he isn't nice to me all the time?"
      "It's because I'm mean huh?"
      You nodded slightly.
      "Oh... Well, I'll try to be nicer. Really! And- and then we can be like real brothers!" He grinned, walking around proudly as he said, "Thor and Loki, together battling against the toughest enemies! Nothing can stop us!"
      You giggled at his enthusiasm. 
      "But... that means I can't be michevious. And I can't stop that, that's too much fun!" He looked concerned.
      "Well, you can be michevious, as long as it's not mean spirited."
      "Well... I'll try. I'll try for my big brother and I'll try for me." He said decidedly.
      You smiled and gave him a hug. "I'm so proud of you."
      He grinned and went off to play with the others, excited to try and play nice, oddly enough. 
      They were a handful to be sure, but you loved them and you'd have to take care of them until you figured out a way to undo Loki's scheme gone wrong.
      Who knows, maybe it would be for the better. Maybe this could be a way for you to get through to Loki; kids are very honest and that honesty could help you get him to see the light when he becomes an adult again. 

high hopes [baby avengers and reader]Where stories live. Discover now