Kagami Taiga

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Power Out

"TAIGA!" You scream out in a fit.

All of the lights in the apartment turn off and a sharp ringing is heard throughout the complex. Must be all of the alarms.

"Y/N!?" Your boyfriend yells out just as dramatically as you.

Heavy rain falls from the sky and hits the windows. Trees slam into the walls of the building and all of the lights and electricity is off.

"The powers out!" You exclaim as you hear his footsteps approaching the bedroom. "Oh my God, speak right now so I know it's you, Taiga." You wrap your hand around the baseball bat kept next to the bed for protection.

You hear no response.


"It's me, Y/N." His voice is music to your ears. Your grip on the baseball bat loosens and a relieved sigh escapes your lips.

"Can you come here?" You plead with an outstretched arm into the darkness.

"Why?" He snickers. "You scared?" Kagami teases.

"SHUT UP! I am most definitely not. Just come hear. Please, Taiga." You plead.

He hears the change in your voice and he isntantly is in front of you. His hand finds it's way through the pitch-blackness to the back of your neck. His fingertips press into your nape and he pulls you forward.

Your lips reach his and move against each other.

The lights flicker back on and you pull away.

"It was probably ju-... is that a baseball bat?" He looks down at the metal object in your hand.

"Yeah, self defence." You hold it up into the air and swing it around carelessly.

"I was here the whole time during the power out. Aren't I enough protection?" He chuckles and shakes his head at your dramatic behaviour.

"You are... but you left my side for a while." You grumble and look away.

"So, what you're saying is: I should never leave your side?" He cheesily grins down at you in his arms. Your cheeks go red.

"I suppose."

"You're adorable."

A/N: i hate power outs & i hate that i'm experiencing one now. luckily, my courage-less boo is able to keep me company during this blackout and acacia is sound asleep in my arms. i love writing as things happen. it's so much more authentic because it's mostly true. we lit a few candles and have a torch but besides that it's still pitch black.

also, my beautiful best friend saskia is mad that she isn't getting her 'rightful' features in the book. sorry, darl.

but yeah, my boyfriend and i have some kind of cute moments, i guess 🤷🏼‍♀️

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