Midorima Shintaro

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You're My Hero

"You're going to be late!" your mother screams from the kitchen downstairs. You stumble down the wooden staircase and head straight for the door.

"Bye mom! Love you!" you call out in a rush over your shoulder.

"Have a slice of-" the door slams shut before she can finish her sentence. "Toast." she sighs as she says the word to herself.

You sprint to the train station with your bag dangling over one shoulder. The station is packed and people are everywhere, crowding around the tracks to secure a seat on the train.

You grab a ticket and push through the bodies to get closer to the front.

You feel someone touching your bag.

"Hey!" you shout as you quickly spin around to face the assumed thief.

Midorima towers over you. "Your zip was undone. That's how you tempt robbers, nanodayo." he peers down as he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

You let out a sigh. "Thank God it's just you, Shintaro. I thought I had to fight someone." you reply.

"You may have to, to get on the train." he answers nonchalantly. Your best friend will have absolutely no problem making his way onto the transport. He's strong and tall from basketball, so everyone is like an ant to him.

You notice someone ruthlessly shoving past everyone else to get to the soon-approaching train. You watch as his body slams into other people and he shows no sign of remorse. Due to his intense pushing, he manages to get directly in front of you.

He stands extremely close in front of you and your vision is blocked. You let out a low growl in anger at the disrespectful nature of this man.

Before you even realise what is happening, the man's elbow swings back and collides with your chin. You fling backwards into Midorima's strong grip. You wail in pain and hold your aching chin with tears brimming your eyes.

Midorima peers over your head from behind to look at your face and he instantly notices the tears.

The sloppy dude glances back to look at you and he scoffs. As if you were in his way. He starts to continue pushing through more people.

"Oi!" Before he can get far, Midorima grabs the hood of the man's jacket and yanks him towards you two. He stumbles back and turns around to face you.

"What the hell!?" he shouts with his fists clenched at his sides.

Midorima points to you. You're still holding your aching chin.

"Apologise, nanodayo." he demands, anger laced in his voice.

You realise that Midorima is easily a head or two taller than him.

Your eyes dart to the man before you. You gaze into his eyes and you realise he's drunk.

"Wait, Shin-"

"What!?" the slurring man asks in fury.

"Your elbow hit her in the face and you know it. Apologise... Now, nandayo." your best friend says. A few seconds of silence pass. "I don't have all day." he adds.

This seems to piss off the drunk idiot.

"See where trying to act like a freaking hero gets you!" he shouts and recklessly swings his fist towards Midorima's face.

How dare he try to hit Shintaro?

Is the first thing you think as your eyes widen in shock.

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