"A walk in the park"

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Claire POV

It has been a few days since Obi has finally woken up.  Tomorrow is when my life will be changed forever it almost doesn't seem real.  I am making my way to Zen's office to talk to him about what happened a few weeks ago. I knock on his door and hear a voice instructing me to come in. When I open the door to my surprise Obi, Mitsuhide and Kiki are nowhere to be seen.

"Ah, perfect timing Claire I was just about to come looking for you. There is a great place we should all go together. It's the perfect day too the sun is shining and we all know some fresh air is just what is needed. Here let me call the others and then I will explain... However, I shouldn't have to explain things to you hopefully you know where I am going with this". Zen states.

Smile to myself knowing that Zen has always been able to pick up on subtle little hints so I don't always have to say it straight out. I guess we are just lucky this way that we are so close and are able to have such a good connection.  I notice Zen scribbles on three pieces of paper and then blows on the blue shell.  The bird lands on Zen's arm and he slips in two notes in the small glass container around its neck.  Then blows on the blue shell once again and the bird goes zooming off. I silently watch him as he takes out the pocket watch I gave him for his birthday last year. He uses to have a different pocketwatch but he gave it to Shirayuki to have. After about a minute he raises the shell up blows on it and the bird comes back. Of course, just as soon it arrives it then takes off one more time. No doubt he is sending everyone a message telling them to come to his office.  Zen then walks out onto the balcony and yells for Obi.

"Obi you have ten seconds to get here... 9..8...7...6". Zen states

"Wow Master a whole ten seconds that is pretty generous usually you only give me five". Obi said

Just then the others walk through the door and stand next to me in front of Zen's desk. Zen looks at everyone and pauses probably just for dramatic effect.

"What is the mission you have for us Zen"? Kiki said

"This is a mission for all of us not one person can do it alone. Today our mission is to explore this little park just outside of the city of Clariness. I will tell you more when we get there. Everyone prepare to move out and pack only what you think you might need. Let's meet outside in 3 minutes". Zen said

With that, some of the people leave the only ones left are Zen, Obi and me. Honestly, I am feeling pretty nervous because we are about to take a huge step...

"Is something going that I should know about"? Obi asks

"Its okay Obi I just need to talk to Zen we will be outside in a moment". Claire said


Obi leaves the room and I look over to Claire. Today is the day that we tell everyone about our past. I know Mitsuhide and Kiki have always kind of questioned how we knew how to do certain things but they're too good of friends to ask us straight up.  Claire looks pretty worried, honestly, I am too. We both agreed to keep it a secret until the both of us were ready to talk about it. Today is that day we shall tell the others except I don't want to tell them here at the castle. So we are going to a special place.  We leave the castle and find ourselves in a small field. Claire and I had visited this place often when we were young, but that was before Mitsuhide was with us. Not far from here there is a three-way lane. If you followed the path straight ahead it would lead you to this giant lake. It's rumored that this is the lake that the Goddess Aquamarine lived in. Well, today I told everyone that we were going to this field for a bit of fresh air but that isn't the real reason why we have come here. 

Time Skip

After lunch was finished, everyone was relaxing. I happen to look over at my sister to notice that she was very anxious.

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