Plan B Part 1

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Zen POV 

Since our first attempt to get Mitsuhide and Kiki to go on a date, it has been a week or so. We failed miserably, but this time we won't fail. Claire's leg still has a bit of healing to do, so we have to be extra cautious with our new plan.  I am about to meet the others a breakfast when there is a knock on my door. I tell them to come in, but nothing happens. I walk over to the door and open it to see Claire standing there. Oops forgot she couldn't open the door with her crutches. I open it and let her in.

"What's the new plan?" Claire questions

I have created one, but this time it will be less of us spying on them since you injured and can't really move as fast. Plus, we are in the beginning stages of your mission planning, so I have to help you start going through interviews for that. I think we order them to have a nice relaxing day out in town. Forbid them from coming back to the palace until later in the afternoon.

"Ugh, I hate that we can make sure they have a good time. But there is nothing else we can do, so it is good enough." I say

We head to breakfast together, and when we arrive, everyone is already there. We get plates and food from the kitchen, and then both head to our seats. So claire and I have important business. First of all, Claire has guests to be interviewed for a project she will be running short on, and we are meeting people today. That being said, Mitsuhide and Kiki, you're ordered to take a day off.

"We just had a day off last week," Mitsuhide says

"It doesn't count since you ended up working in the end. So today you will have a day off but outside of the castle. " I say

"who will help you with the guests coming in today?" Kiki questions

"Obi and Sousuke will be helping us today," Claire says

Obi guests won't be arriving till noon, so you can help Shirayuki with whatever she needs until then. But be sure to meet us at the conference room no later than 11:45 am. With that being said, we will see the rest of you later this afternoon.

Claire POV

I walk up to Mitsuhide, and Kiki tells them to enjoy their day. I stop them again, taking a flyer out of my pocket. A new little cafe just opened in town; why don't you guys stop by for lunch and check it out.  I walk down the hallway to my office to get a few supplies for today's meetings.  This project can benefit many of us and shed some light on Claireness and our neighbors' history. But it less about research history per se and more about digging up history. I want to see what kinds of hidden treasures can be found. I sent out letters to certain communities describing my mission and holding interviews for who shall be on this team. I don't want just anybody; I want the best teams working on this.

We will be one big team working together, but we will also have tasks in smaller groups. Group One will be an archeology team that will be digging up the artifacts. Group Two will be our Examinations; they will be in charge of cleaning up the pieces we find and help find keeping the items safe. Group 3 will be a scientific team that will help date and researches our finds that may be harder to distinguish. If we are all able to work together, then amazing things I know will be accomplished.

I gather up my notes of all those coming to get an interview and a journal to log my thoughts of each person.  Just as I am about to leave my office, Sousuke comes to offer me his assistance. He carries my materials and opens the doors for me as I hobble down to the meeting location. Before we know it, it is time to start meeting with people. There ended up being a lot more people than I thought there would be. 

I mostly asked the questions to get a good feel for each candidate. I made notes about each one so I could have an easier time deciding later. However, now and then, Zen asked some questions to people. I am not looking for lots of people, just enough that the workload could be evenly balanced between hard-working team members. Currently, we are taking a short break before the next wave of people begins. I look down at my notes and feel like I have met someone I definitely want on my teams, but there is still room for more. I would like to have at least 4 people in each group, especially because I will be bouncing around in the groups. Suddenly Obi steps in and announces that our next wave of people has arrived. Thus our break ends, and we get back to work.  

Finally, all the interviews have been completed, and I am just looking over my notes.  I have it narrowed down to groups of people. Now I need to think about what groups they should be placed in.  On the table, I layout a profile picture and then try to rearrange them into groups that I think fit the best.  I ask Obi and Sosuke to bring in these people. 

Hello everyone. First, I just wanted to thank you all for coming and being patient during this whole process.  I have carefully thought about each person I have met today. I am happy to announce that you all will be apart of this special community mission. You all should be very proud of yourself.  With that being said, I will be splitting you up into three different groups. I carefully placed everyone in a group that I felt would be fitting for your skills. 

The first team we have is the Archeology team.  We have Syrouan, Sierra, Rintarou, and Erza. Next, we have the examiner's team. In this team, we have Ezeral, Makoto, Megra, and Kikyo. Then for our last scientific team, we have Kyoya, Seijoru, Rei, and Ami. I look forward to working with all of you to find some unique pieces of history.  The next order of business is living quarters. Some of you do not live in clairness or maybe live a bit far from the castle. For the first few days, you will be staying in a local hotel in town until we can finish setting up the living arrangements. Also, before you all leave for the hotel, I have notebooks for everyone. I want to use these notebooks as your place to keep research notes, or anything you might think could be as important.  I will send everyone a message for our first meeting day; until then, enjoy yourself in town before the work begins.

Once I am done with that work, I sit back in the chair.  Noticing it being oddly quiet, I look over, and Zen is just observing me.  Just as I am about to say something, I get interrupted by Obi.

"How did everything go?" Obi questions

"Everything went well. I think I have a good team for this assignment." I said

"If ever you need my assistance again, please do not hesitate to ask Princess Claire." 

"Alright. Thanks again for everyone's help." I said

"What else do you need to get done today?" Zen questioned

"To be honest, I think I am done for the day. I am kind of tired, so I want to relax until dinner. Maybe ill sit outside for a little bit." I said

So Zen and I head different ways for now.  Obi slowly walks by my side as I wobble down the hallway on my crutches.  I head for my favorite spot in the garden area, which is right underneath a big tree. I stand there for a moment and lay my crutches on the ground; then, I carefully take a seat on the ground.  I close my eyes, enjoying the breeze on my face. It feels so relaxing out here.

I am not sure when, but I think I might have fallen asleep. I open my eyes and see the garden, but I don't remember lying down.

"How was your nap?" Obi questions

"it was nice. Sorry, I fell asleep." I said

"It is okay you were tired, so it is okay to relax. I am glad you can easily relax around me to feel like you can take a nap in public like this." Obi mentions

"Well, of course, I feel relaxed with you silly; you are my husband," I say

"Well, I am sure we should probably get ready for dinner, so why don't we change out of our work clothes before we go to dinner," Obi says

"Sounds like a great idea," I say 

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