Disaters Strikes

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Claire POV

After everything that has happened it's hard to believe that there finally going to accept us. I was planning on going to sleep with Kiki in the rooms there staying at but Zen and Obi objected quickly to that idea. So Obi gave me his room I feel bad but he said it's no big deal that he can just sleep on the floor.

"Goodnight Claire". Obi said

"Goodnight Obi". Claire said

I'm awoken by the sounds of screams outside. I shoot up and run outside. When I walk out the whole village is on fire. People running and crying. I try to help the best that I can but it feels like no matter what I try it doesn't help. That's when I stop and see Obi helping some people out. However then I see something I really wish I had not seen. Obi runs straight Into the fire. I try to run after him but then I'm pulled back. Zen is holding me and at that moment it seems as if the whole world has stopped.

"This is a potential outcome of the disasters that will happen I the village. If they do not return the sword then it will fall upon you". Goddess said

I open my eyes to see the ceiling of Obi's room. I slowly turn on my side and look over at Obi. I see his back is facing toward me. And I just lie their thinking about what I just saw.


I wake up feeling kind of strange but no big deal as long as Claire is. I turn over to see Claire gone. What where is Claire? I get up and stretch then I hear a scream from outside. I run outside and everything is a mess. People are running, crying and screaming. I run to the sound of the screaming to see a house on fire. I run towards the house and as I'm running into it I hear someone call my name. Then everything goes dark.

"This will be one of the potential events that could unfold if the sword is not returned. Disaster will come so you better prepare. You will have one choice them or her. Choose carefully". Mysterious voice said

I open my eyes to see the door and realize where I am. Then I feel like someone is watching me so I turn over on my other side. That's when I see Claire looking at me with a smile on her face. Wow waking up seeing her there is kind of nice.

Claire POV

Oh good morning I was just uh..

"You were just what"? Obi said

I feel the embarrassment creep up on my face when he caught me. It's time to get up and start doing things. Hm today looks like a nice day for a run. Um I'm thinking about going on a run.

"Are you planning on staying here as I get ready"?

"Nope I'll be back just give me a shout when your done princess". Obi said

Obi leaves  and I start getting ready. I walk over to the dresser and spot a note.


Knowing you your probably going to want to get some fresh air in those lungs of yours. I have put together an outfit that will keep you cool as well as protected from the sun. Shirayuki says you still have to be careful so please wear this on your run in the morning.


Alright Kiki you win. I put on the outfit she supplied. Then I pack a bag with me. Not sure how far I'll go but I'll bring some supplies just in case. Let's see first aid, water, some little snacks and I'm good to go. I walk outside and shout for Obi. Sure enough he pops up and then we head out on our run.

So how about we make our way back to the village. We turn around and we talk about all kinds of things. He even asks about the sword. I tell him the sword should be return immediately if that has not been done. We are almost back in the village when a huge dark cloud hovers over the village. A strike of lightning shots out. Then you can hear screams coming from the village we make a run for it to see what's happened.

When we get there it's kind of like what I saw in my vision. People running, and crying. A short ways away I can see what appears to be one of the small huts of fire. I'm helping people outside as best as I can and so is Obi. But it feels like everything is going wrong. That's when my fear is realized. Just like I saw in the vision I see Obi running into the fire. I scream his name and fear for the worst. The others appear and they all trying to help out. Mitsuhide went in after Obi. I feel like all I can do is hold my breathe. As I am standing there I remember those words from the vision.

The sword... if there is destruction happening then the sword must still be in the village. I've got to find it and return it. I run around the village and after about 5 minutes I find the sword. I grab onto the nearest horse I can find and take off for the lake.


I'm about to leave the burning building when Mitsuhide appears. He takes the two of the kids and I have the other two. Luckily we made it out and nobody seems hurt. I turn around expecting to find Claire but she was not there. Her bag was though. I run to one of the men who work for my family and ask about the sword. They said someone just bursted in and took the sword and ran off. As soon as I hear that I know that it was Claire. I run for Prince Zen.

I found Zen and he gave me directions of where the lake is that Claire has more than likely gone too. I jump on a horse and chase after her. I know she wants to help but I should be the one to return the sword. Well actually Sakura should but she won't. She has suffered enough for my account. I arrive at the lake to see Claire talking to wait appears to be three men. I run up to her and stand in front of her.

"What do you want with Claire"? Obi said

"She needs to face a trail in order for the chaos to stop. To see if she is worthy of turning of the powers. The persons who gives the sword back must face the trail". A man says

Well I'm that case I'll do it this is my fight this time not her's". Obi said

"So be it. Complete the trail to be worthy of stopping the chaos only once you pass the trail will the chaos end". The men say

Time skip

Claire POV

Obi has been facing the trail for at least 20 minutes now. I'm growing worried I though once the sword was gone from the village and returned everything would stop. But it won't stop till he beats whatever he's facing. I sit and pray for him and people in the village. After a while of praying I look up to see a surprise. Obi is standing right in front of me.

"You done praying yet? I mean how long can you go for. I don't know about you but I want to go back I'm tired". Obi said.

I smile and hug him. Then we get back on the horses and rush back to the village. When we get there only a few building look like have taken damage but besides that everyone looks fine. We help repair what we can for now because that's all we can do and have decided to push departure back one more day. We work to late at night fixing things and helping out the villagers. By the time we eat and get back to our rooms it is like 11:45pm. We didn't get back to village until around 3 or 4pm. Anyway now we're settling into bed after a crazy day and I can't wait to go home. It feels like a lifetime has passed by since I was last home. Home sweet home.

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