Welcome home Married couple

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Claire POV

After all of the crazy things that have happened, it's so good to be home. Even though this means I have to do some work again I don't mind it. For right now I am not supposed to tell anyone about the trouble over the honeymoon. Which to be honest is fine with me. After I bring my stuff back to our room I decide to take a walk. It's around 8 am we actually didn't suppose to be back until later in the afternoon but we both agreed to leave early. I quietly leave the room so I do not disturb obi sleeping. I grab my coat and a small bag.  I head to my office and grab a special book I found in the library awhile ago. This book talks about all kinds of legendary places. Another book talks about myths and legends of places in Clariness. On my downtime I find this to be an interesting read.  I put the books into my bag. I slip out of my office and head back to my room. We plan to surprise everyone at breakfast.

When I enter the room he is still asleep. I sit at the couch in our little family room. I'm so caught up in the book that I didn't notice Obi had woken up until he hugs me from behind.

"You are up early... is something wrong?" Obi questions

"No I'm okay I just wanted to get do some work I guess. You know to get back in the swing of things. I have a lot of work to catch up on.  The party will be tonight so if I can get some things done now then I can relax more later." I said

"Okay don't work too hard alright. I'll make you some coffee to help you. If you need help just let me know." Obi says

A little while later as I'm focusing on a document Obi comes back with a mug for me. I put the document down and smile at him. He sits down at the table with me and grabs my hand. I squeeze his hand in mind. He leans forward and pulls my hand to his lips. He kisses the top of my hand and then whispers my favorite three words.

"I love you!" Obi whispers

I smile at his words and repeat the words to him. This time he smiles at me.

"What are you working on?" Obi asks

Well I have some invites to places either for business parties or celebration events. Looks like Zen took an document that need immediate attention.  Now I have to figure out which ones are priority vs fun things. 

Obi holds out his hand then says come on you give me half and we can get this done faster. I know there will be times that I can't really help you with work and you won't really be able to help me with mine. But the times that we can it's important we do what we can.  I hand him half and we start opening envelopes.

Obi and I have spilled the letters into yes, no and maybe piles.   I pick up the yes pile to find a business party invite to tanburbe, celebration for the orphanage, celebration event for our two neighbor villages.  Next, I look in the maybe pile to see a fashion show invite,  a festival invite and a mystery envelope. I grab the envelope and look on the back. It's an unusual envelope.  I hear a door open and close to see Obi dressed in his casual clothes for the day. I get up from the table and head to my closet.

Obi follows me into the closet. He looks at the clothes and ponders to himself. Let's see the weather is nice outside no cold and not hot. I don't think I'll need a jacket.  Obi goes through my clothes picking things out then hading them to me. Hear put this on he says and thats the end of that.

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