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Victor POV

"What are you waiting for, my little Robin?" I said

She takes the box and sits down and opens it. The first thing that is seen is a note. She reaches out for it and opens it.

Dear Little Robin,

First of all, I am so proud that you have made it to this stage. I know this has been a dream for you. Yuri and I are glad that we can share this moment with you.

As for this competition goes, I have thought about what your show should be about. I think I found something that captures you, your feelings, and your desires. The song choice is interesting. I'm not sure why I choose it. I know the meaning of the song is different then what the meeting of the dance will be. However, it just seemed to be the right type of energy. I hope people can look beyond the meaning of the song and see it for the purpose of your show.

Lastly, creating a costume for you wasn't easy, but it was fun. I think it will capture what we want, and I hope you enjoy wearing it as much as I enjoyed making it for you.

"Remember, no matter what happens, I am proud of you!" Victor states

She looks up and smiles at me with a tear in her eye. I can tell she's trying not to cry. Claire continues opening the package, and you see her eyes light up.

"It's not 100% finished yet, but we don't want somebody to see everything now, do we," I said

She takes the box and rushes to the girl's locker room.

Claire POV

I know he said this isn't the complete outfit, but even this is incredible. I look myself in the mirror, and I can see what he was thinking. The show must have something to do with fire. This dress makes me feel on fire. I don't want to keep them waiting, so I put on my skates.

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I walk out of the locker room, and they all are just staring at me. Obi and Yuri's faces are bright red, and they look away from me. Victor is smiling and comes up to me.

"It's better then I imagined. Okay, let's start teaching you the dance the show is tomorrow evening, so there is no time to lose." Victor said


I have lost track of time watching Claire skate. That outfit victor made is insane. It defiantly shows her off and makes her look super sexy and hot. I can't stop thinking about how a million people will probably see her dressed like this. Ugh, if this wasn't for her skating, I would hide her away from where no one would see how she looks except for me. If this is only part of her outfit, it makes me nervous to imagine what the rest of it looks like.

"Victor did a good job with the dress, don't you think?" Yuri said

"Maybe too good of a job." Obi whispers

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