Ultimate Test part 2

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*Time skip to the next day*

Mitsuhide POV

Today it is my turn to watch over Claire.  She still can't move around on her own so that's why someone has to be with her at all times because she might try to do something she shouldn't. However, her voice has started to come back so at least there is some good news.  According to Shirayuki and Taiga, she is going to need a few more days.  Claire has had it rough especailly in the last few months.  I mean her life has never been easy, but ... I am wondering how much more of this she can go through before she starts to break. First Obi disappears and then comes back torn apart. Then she is thrown into an unexpected battle and of course, that battle has left her fighting for her life. Not to mention she was supposed to have her wedding a  few days ago but that didn't happen. Zen couldn't leave so he asked Kiki to deliver a message to the castle saying the wedding will be postponed until further notice and to inform the guest. Also to arrange any commendations for guest who have already traveled for the wedding.

I am currently waiting outside for obi to finish helping her get ready for the day. 

"Are you sure you can handle her"? Kiki said

"Of course I can I have been taking care of her since she was little after all". Mitsuhide said

"Yeah I know, but ... you already look exhausted and you haven't even started yet". Kiki said

"If you think I am exhausted now wait for the future". Mitsuhide said

"Sorry to interrupt your loving stares and possible heated chat (if you know what I mean) but I'm done with Claire". Obi said

"Alright well, I will see you later Kiki".  said

When I walk in the room Claire was sitting up and starring out the window. I walk over to the chair sitting by the window. Something seemed different about her but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hey I'm going to nap for a little bit I'm really exhausted from having to wake up at 6 for tests". Claire said

While Claire has been napping I have written down daily reports. I also grabbed a random book that was on the bookshelf in the room. By the time I have finished the book it was noon. I walk over to Claire to change her wash cloth. Even though she isn't sick anymore she still has that fever. Shirayuki mentioned the fever will probably stick around for another day or so. After putting the new cloth on her I decide to go to the kitchen to make some lunch.

When I get back in the room from making her lunch I notice that Claire was still asleep. It's not good for her to skip meals since she has been so sick. It's also not good for her to sleep to much during the day or else she won't be able to sleep at night. I decide to wake her up that way she can eat. Claire eats the lunch and then goes back to looking outside the window.

"Can we go for a walk outside? Just a short walk I just want to get out of the room". Claire said

I was going to say no but then she started giving me that sad puppy dog face. Ugh she always uses this face on me because she knows I can't say no to it. In the end I give up and agree to the walk.

"Fine but I am carrying you and it will be a short walk". Mitsuhide said.

I kneel down in front of the bed for her to get on my back. Once she gets on I slowly get up to a standing position. I leave a small note on the nightstand in case someone comes looking for us while we are on the walk. Then I leave the room and head outside.

"Today is a nice day not to hot, not to windy it is just right". Mitsuhide said

"Indeed it sure beats sitting inside all day", Claire said

I take her around the block so we don't go to far. She seems to be enjoying herself. I try to walk slow so she can enjoy the time outside. However, sometimes good things come to an end. We walk back into the room except, we didn't expect Zen to be there.

"Hi Zen what are you doing here"? said  Mitsuhide

"Where have you guys been? I walked in to check on Claire and your both gone". Zen said

"Hey Zen don't be mad at Mitsuhide I convinced him to take me out. I wanted some fresh air and since I can't walk yet Mitsuhide offered to give me a piggy back ride". Claire said

"Oh... well in that case I guess I should let him know". Zen said

Time Skip

Claire POV

It's been a few days recovering from my poison. I can't help but think that I could have been married to Obi by now. I got attacked the day before the wedding. My hair is still uneven from when Sakura cut some of my hair. Even though it's just hair I can't help but feel bad that it was ruined before the wedding. People have suggested evening it out but I refuse to cut it I made that promise to Obi. It's been almost a whole week. I'm upset that things had to happen this way. Then something inside me says this was destiny. That everything happens for a reason.

I'm not sure what the reason is though. I do wonder though if it's connected to my weird dreams. When I go to sleep at night I hear this voice it keeps saying Small Lady. I have no idea what the dream is suppose to mean. I almost feel like I have been brought here for some unknown purpose.

P.S A/N    Hello readers sorry this chapter has taken so long. I'm sick with this horrible cough due to allergies. Also I have been getting with lots of other stuff so updates for stories might be slow for a while. But I'll try to post as much as I can.

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