Suprise Reunion?

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Claire POV

This girls name is supposedly Sakura. She calls herself Mystic and has ninja skills. She also seems to have know Obi in the past. She has this standard me as a princess who uses people to get what she wants but that's not true at all. She apparently  really wants to kill me as well since she did attack me out of the blue. Right now I am pinned underneath her as she has a knife to my throat. To be honest though I'm not worried one bit. It's not that I don't think she won't do it cause I'm sure she will. It's that I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve.

She rises the arm with blade up in the air and is bring it down fast.  However while she is doing so she has her guard down. She probably thinks that she is going to win this fight and I'm out for the count. That is just what I want her and everyone else to think. I wackily move my legs around her waist and twist my lower body.  She loses her balance and tries to get back in place, but before she can I have kicked the knife out of her hand.  The blade goes flying into the air. Her body hits the ground hard and when she has finally opened her eyes I'm on top of her my knife out against her throat.

You don't know anything about me. For someone who is good at picking fights you think they would know the number 1 rule.

"Never let your guard down". Claire said

I take my blade and brought it up and struck the ground right next to her head. Then I get up and turn around stating that I've won the match. Obi and the others look at me with a smile and some of them let out a small sigh. As soon as I get close to the others I hear a sound. I get myself ready knowing that she probably threw my knife at me. However, before I could act I hear a gasp and turn around to see Obi has caught the knife in between his hands. 

"Obi are you okay? Also why did you catch that I had a plan". Claire said

"It's my job to protect you and I do not like seeing you get hurt". Obi said

Why does she have that knife" ? Questions Sakura


"Because I gave it to her". Obi states

I look up and stare at Sakura a couple feet away from us. I throw the blades down that I caught in my hand. Both my fathers blade that I gave to her and sakura's dagger. I have seen Sakura since we were little kids I almost didn't even recognize who she was. My mind is in shock to see her standing g before me. I walk over to her.

"Sakura? Is it really you"? Obi questions

"Yeah it's me who else would it be". Sakura says

I hug her and while I'm holding her I feel some tears slide down my face. As I am getting caught up in the moment I remember where I am and let go. I then pull away from her and give her a glare because I am about to lecture her. Before I can I hear Claire voice form behind me.

"Zen I'm sorry... don't be mad...". Claire says

"Claire ! ... Claire"! Zen shouts

I turn around to see Claire in Zen's arms while Zen is sitting on the ground. When i see this I swear that my heart has just stopped for a moment. I want to run over to her but my body won't move at all. After first I think it's because I'm scared out of my mind but then I realized I literally can't move my body. All of a sudden I collapse down onto my knees. Then I black out all together. All I can see is darkness all around me. The last thing I saw was Zen crying over his sister.

The though of kissing her suddenly crossed my mind.  I can't lose her I work so hard so we could date. Then I finally had the guts to propose and where just a few days away from our wedding.  I can't lose her now I will go crazy.  As I am actually going crazy where ever I am I feel a strange sensation. It feels as if something is sliding down my throat. After a few minutes my eyes sprung open and my body jolts up into the air.  My eyes first come in contact with Sakura but my mind doesn't care about her at the moment all I can think about is Claire.

I run over to Zen immediately  and grab Claire out from his arms. Then I immediately check for a pulse. Her heart is still beating which is good then I check her temperature. I put my forehead against hers and realize her skin is burning up. The moment I look up I see Shirayuki next to me with her medical kit.  I then hand Claire back off to Zen. Then I turn to Sakura and give her a death glare because she has done something to Claire.

 Then I turn to Sakura and give her a death glare because she has done something to Claire

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"I'll go with you, but I call all the shots here or else I'm walking away forever. If you take me you take all of us". Obi shouts

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