Race Against Time

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Its about 7 am and I am still sitting by Claire. After the fight, we both ended up passing out although I woke up quick she did not. We followed Sakura back to the village and as soon as we got there we got Claire somewhere safe. Since then I have not left her side even once. Master keeps telling me I should go and talk to Sakura and the other people at the chief house, but I refuse.

My mother and sister kept saying they both wanted to talk to me but I told them I had to do something important. I know they are my family and I haven't seen them in years however she is also my family. Just because we aren't married yet doesn't mean I should leave here when she is suffering. Zen eventually found me and said that I didn't have to stay here. I know my master is being kind because they're my family. I look at him and say I appreciate the thought, but if our roles were reversed Claire would be right next to me so that's what I am doing. Ever since then I haven't left Claire side once. I look down at her and check her temperature. Her forehead is still burning so I grab a cloth and soak it in warm water then I change it for the one that is sitting on her forehead. After I have changed the cloth Shirayuki walks into the room.

"Obi, have you been awake all this time"? Shirayuki asks

"Yes, I have Miss". Obi states

She looks at Claire then runs the same tests she did when we first got her to this room. I watch Shirayuki taking claire's pulse and do other things. after each thing she did, she wrote it down in a notebook. Then she suddenly stops and looks over at me.

"Obi, if we don't figure out what made Claire like this and soon as don't know how much longer she will live for". Shirayuki said

My heart stopped after hearing what Shirayuki say that. I looked over at Claire as she looked to be in pain. If I don't do something fast I may lose her forever. I quickly got up from my chair and stepped next to Claire to whisper into her ear. Then I jumped on the window seal.

"Miss watch over Claire for me until I return". Obi said

I jump out the window and let my feet carry me. When I stop I realized I have come to a lake just outside the village. I sit up in a tree looking out to the horizon trying to think of something. I sigh and finally look down at the flower between my hands. At the base of the tree, there are these strange flowers and I justed picked it up to look at it. I can't help thinking that this flower kind of looks familiar but nothing ends up coming to mind.

"Obi put that down didn't you listen to me at all when I use to tell you that those flowers are dangerous". Obi mother said

I look down suddenly to see my mother. She smiles at me and then I jump down from the tree.

"Just because a flower looks or smells nice doesn't mean that they are always nice. For instance, this flower is poisonous". Obi mother said

I stop and look back at the flower in my hand. I ask my mother what part of this flower is poisonous. The nectar of the flower is the poison. She told me if ingested or absorbed into the body the person can have high fevers, throwing up, lack of strength, etc. it all just depends on the person. Hearing this the gears in my head start to turn but then I am quickly pulled out of my thoughts. She had said that When I was a kid I use to love to smell this flower so I hold it up to my nose and breathe in the scent.

Shirayuki POV

Obi has been gone a long time. I ended up closing the window because it looked like it was going to rain. I am about to change the cloth on Claire's forehead when the door opens. I look towards the door to see Zen walk into the room. I watch Zen grab a cloth soak it int he water then place it on her head and then Zen sits in the chair that is right next to Claire and holds her hand. I have been with Zen for a while but I have never seen this look on his face. It just shows that he and Claire are really close. I walk up next to him and put my hand on his shoulder he smiles up at me but even I can see the sadness in his eyes. I should tell Zen about his sister he deserves to know no matter how sad the truth is.

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