✿ o n e ✿

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t a e h y u n g

"You deserve it, you piece of shit," Yoongi said, kicking my stomach. I doubled over and groaned in pain. He scoffed.

"That hurt, didn't it?"

Another kick. Another punch.

"You deserve to rot in hell," he growled, throwing a punch to my face after saying each word in anger.

I know I do.

I winced in pain, a tear rolling down my cheek. But I said nothing to him. Nobody was around to help - not that anyone would, anyway.

He gave me one final punch in the face and scowled at his bloody fists.

"Tsk. Look what you did to my hands," he said angrily, showing me his hands that were covered in blood.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it, kiddo. You should've learned that a long time ago."

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and walked off, leaving me curled up on the locker room floor.

I hugged my knees to my chest, breathing heavily as silent tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I shouldn't be crying."

I wiped away my tears and sniffled.

"It was my fault."



I was so used to all of it, but I couldn't just act like they weren't there.

It was proven to be a difficult as they would constantly push me or purposely bump into me.

It was a way to remind me of what I had done.

But it's not like I needed that. How could I forget?

I bit my lip to prevent myself from bursting into tears as I walked to my class as fast as I could.

I'm so sorry.

I pushed the door open and took a seat at the back, blocking out the sound of people talking about me.

"Why's he even still here?"

"I still can't believe what he did."

"He should die."

I took out my textbook and began reading through the contents, though I'm not focused on the words.

My eyes skimmed across the words, trying my best to understand something. But it's useless. I can't concentrate and haven't been ever since that happened.

"Settle down, class," a strict voice came from the front. I silently thanked Mrs. Rosé for being punctual.

"Okay." She clapped her hands together, looking around the class. "So we're going to have a new student in our class from today onwards. Please treat him like how you treat everyone else."

I rolled me eyes at the last sentence. No one would want to be treated the way I was.

"Jungkook? Come in."

A boy with brown hair strided into the class, looking around. Whispers began erupting from the class, but not the ones that I would hear about me.

"He's so hot."

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

"I've got dibs on him."

"What's his name again?"

"I think I've gone gay for him already."

While the girls tried their hardest to somehow make their chests larger to catch the new boy's attention, his gaze lingered on mine.

I blushed and looked down, to which he smirked. The girls followed his gaze and looked at me in distaste.

"Why is he looking at him?"

"Probably just judging him."

"Has he already fallen for that bitch? What the fuck."

"You know, this is the only time I wish I was that freak."

God, make it stop. Please. I covered my ears and shut my eyes.

I couldnt hear anything. Not even the footsteps that got closer to my table.

"Hey. You alright?" A soft voice asked me, tapping my shoulder gently. I jumped at the slight touch and looked to my left.

And there he was, occupying the seat next to mine.

"Y-Yeah. Why are you sitting here?"

"Got a problem with that?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me as he fished out his textbook. "It was the only seat that wasn't taken."

I shook my head.

"I was j-just curious," I mumbled. I opened my own textbook and the teacher started the lesson which I paid zero attention to.

"Hey." He nudge my shoulder. I jumped slightly again, making him chuckle. "You're a bit jumpy, eh?"

"Yah! Will you stop doing that?" I hissed, trying to hide the fact that I was embarrassed.

"Sorry," he said insincerely, shrugging his shoulders, "I just wanted to borrow a pen."

"O-Oh," I said. I sheepishly dug through my pencil box and took out a pen, handing it to him. "Here."

He thanked me and turned his focus to Mrs. Rosé, twirling the pen around his fingers.

I stared at him a bit longer and realised exactly how good looking he actually was.

His features were just so...


"You done staring?" He joked, smirking at me. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"I-I wasn't staring!" I protested.

"Sure you weren't," he chuckled. He looked at me a bit longer, making me feel a bit insecure.

"You're cute," he mumbled before turning back to the teacher.

I blushed harder, mouth agape.

Did I hear him right?

Probably, because I could see all the girls around me pretty much wearing the same expression.

And for the first time, I proudly smirked at them. They glared at me in anger and whispered to each other, giggling and pointing.

And I immediately regretted my actions. I slumped in my chair and sighed.

When was this going to stop?


Sorry if this was a bit boring! But please give this book a try :3

Also thanks for 700 reads and 121 votes on Four Years! It means so much to me ; v ;

Also updates might be a bit slow [tHanKs to scHoOl :(] so I apologize in advance

Anyway hope y'all have a great day / afternoon / night! ♡

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