✿ s e v e n ✿

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t a e h y u n g

I laid on my bed, exhaustion taking its toll on me.

I was about to drift off into a sleep when I heard my phone ringing. Reluctantly, I picked it up from my bedside table and answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey, Tae! It's me, Jungkook- wait. Did I get the right number?"

I giggled. "Yeah, this is Tae."

"Oh, great! Anyway, I called to see if you wanted to start planning for the project?"

"Jungkook, it's due in a month. Also, you could've just texted me," I said tiredly.

"I did. You didn't answer them," he said. I could imagine him pouting over the phone. "Also, I like to get a head start on things like projects."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Great!" He giggled excitedly. "I'll come over to your place after school tomorrow?"

My face paled as I went silent.


"Ah! Oh... Y-Yeah?" I said.

"Really? Cool! I'll see you after school tomorrow! Bye."

"No wait that's not what I-"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Great. He ended the call. I tried calling him back, but it kept going to voicemail.

"Fuck. He can't come over. He'll see..." I focused my gaze on the framed picture that hung on my wall.

I felt a pang of guilt and sadness rush through me.

"He can't see that..." I murmured, reaching out to take the picture down, but hesitated.

I'll just turn the pictures around.

And I did. I don't know why, but I felt so guilty.

I ran through the corridors in a rush. I had woken up late that morning because I forgot to set my alarm.

"Fuck," I muttered before pushing the door open. Mr. Byun stared at me, raising an eyebrow. The class silently groaned.

"I'm not even going to ask for an explanation, Mr. Kim. Please take a seat," Mr. Byun said. I bowed and took a seat by the window.

Jungkook wasn't in this class, so I sat alone, staring outside the window.

I wonder what's it like to be free.

For some reason, no one really bothered me today at school. Not that I was complaining, though.

"Hey!" I heard Jungkook call from behind me. I turned around and waved at him, smiling unintentionally.

"Hey, Kookie," I said. He groaned at the nickname, but didn't say anything else. After an uncomfortable silence, Jungkook finally spoke.

"So... Should we head to your place?"

"Umm... Could we, uh... Go to yours instead?" I asked sheepishly.

"M-My... parents aren't home and I don't have the keys," he said. I looked at him suspiciously.

It seemed as if he was hiding something, but I didn't question any further and reluctantly lead him to my house.

"Welcome, I guess." I opened the door and watched him look around. "Let's go upstairs to my room."

I brought him upstairs quickly, trying to distract him from looking around too much.

I dropped my bag on the ground. He placed his down gently and got out his pencil box. He rumaged his bag, as if finding something. But he didn't bring anything out.

"I forgot my laptop," he said, sighing. "Can we use yours?"

I shrugged and walked to my desk, turning on the laptop.

"The password is 19951013. Just type it in," I instructed. He nodded and went over to type in the password as I went to get my books out of my own bag.

But while I was taking them out, he asked, "Hey Taehyung... Who's this?"

I turned to see what he was talking about and froze.




Thank you for voting on the previous chapter!

Okay okay. I know I haven't uploaded in a long time and I'm so so so so sorry D:

I'm so overwhelmed with homework and tests that it's hard to keep up, but my holidays are starting soon, so yay :D

Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed! Thanks for reading and have a nice day / afternoon / night ♡


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