✿ t w e n t y ✿

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j u n g k o o k


I'll change your mind.
Just continue reading.

Well, no turning back now. Not that I felt like turning back anyway.

It kinda hurt me that I had to learn about Taehyung through someone else. How could I even trust this person?

I eyed the three dots in the speech bubble on the left. I anxiously waited for an answer.

My mind went blank.

It couldn't be possible.

Taehyung killed his
own brother.

Shakily, my fingers hovered over the keyboard.


You expect me to
believe you?

I guess not, huh?
My bad.

Let me tell you
the story. The
story which a not
so innocent Kim
Taehyung hid.

f l a s h b a c k

U n k n o w n

I walked through the doors, beaming proudly as I tightened my fingers around my boyfriend's tiny ones, squeezing them in reassurance.

"H-Hyung, they're staring," Jimin whimpered.

Hushed mutters and whispers erupted around us as disgusted or shocked looks were sent our way.

"Let them, Jiminie. I don't care. Neither should you," I said with a small smile. He turned at me, tears glistening in his eyes.

I wiped them off with my thumbs gently, biting my lip in guilt.

It was my suggestion to finally stop hiding our relationship.

He'd always been worried, but he agreed for me.

"I'm sorry, Jiminie. Come on, let's go up alright?" I wrapped my arms around his head and brought him to my chest. I felt him nod.

"Hey! What took you two so long?" A deep voice said. Jimin sat down next to him and ruffled his hair.

"Just some issues. It's alright."

But his gaze never left me.

I smiled and sat down next to Jimin, not realizing the blush that had made its way to the younger boy's cheeks.

"Crap. I left something downstairs. I'll be right back, okay?" Jimin suddenly said, standing up.

"Do you want me to follow you?" I offered, already beginning to standing up. But he shook his head, smiling fondly at me.

"It's fine."

He shot me one last smile before making his way down the stairs.

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