✿ n i n e ✿

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j u n g k o o k

I looked at the time and mentally swore.

I didn't want to go home, in all honesty. While we were doing the project, we discussed about random topics and joked around.

The atmosphere was so lively, filled with our laughter. At one point, while we were talking about our weaknesses, I told him that I was ticklish.


"You're ticklish?" He asked, surprised. I nodded and continued cutting out a picture of a frog.

Due to the unusual silence, I looked up -- only to find Taehyung dangerously crawling towards me, eyes gleaming with mischief.

"T-Tae?" I asked, feeling a blush fall on my cheeks. He merely continued advancing towards me, like a predator ready to attack its prey.

I dropped the things I was holding and backed up slightly.

"What are you-"

And he pushed me onto the ground (softly, so I wouldn't get hurt) and straddled me.

And you know what he did next?

He fucking placed his slender fingers on my waist.

And tickled me.

I burst into fits of laughter.

"T-Tae! Stop ple-" And I began laughing harder. He seemed to be enjoying it, though.

"Please stop." I was practically begging him at this point, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Tae seemed to notice them and stopped. He wiped the tears away with his thumbs, making me shiver under his touch.

"Kookie, I'm-"

"Come here you little shit," I said and tackled him, tickling him back.

And that's how we ended up not doing the project for half an hour.


"Tae, I should get going," I said, pushing myself off the ground. He frowned and checked the time.


"But it's late, it's dangerous out there, Kookie," he said, concern etched all over his face.

I sighed. "Then what should I do?"

"S-Stay the night," he suggested. I immediately blushed and frantically shook my head.


"Come on, please? Just so I won't worry?" He said, looking at me sadly. I could see he actually cared and sighed, giving in to his puppy eyes.


"Why are you sleeping on the ground?" I asked, looking over the bed. Taehyung squirmed around, as if trying to find a comfortable spot on the ground.

"Because you're sleeping on the bed," he simply said, finally halting his actions. I sighed.

"I'll sleep on the ground, Tae. This is your house after all."

"Jungkook, you're a guest, just sleep on the goddamn bed."


"Look, if you really want me to sleep on the bed, I'll just sleep with you, okay?" He asked, sitting up from his position. I blushed and bit my lip.

I don't think I could handle being in such close proximity with Taehyung, but he was already crawling up the bed, sighing in content once his back hit the comfortable mattress.

I scooted away, due to my heart beat increasing as every second passed.

"K-Kookie?" He said. My back was faced towards him, so I turned around to look at him. Wrong move. He looked so good, even with his now messy hair and crinkled shirt. And those lips-

"Yeah?" I interrupted my own thoughts before he caught me staring. He sighed and bit his lip. I swear to God if Taehyung didn't stop that I'd die on the spot.

"I-I can't sleep without h-hugging something," he said, avoiding eye contact before continuing, "C-Can I hug you?"

I felt an immense best crawl up both my cheeks, but managed to utter out a sentence.


I awkwardly wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me. Soon enough, I heard his light snores, indicating that he'd fallen asleep.

I looked down and smiled, admiring his features.

I could just...

I gently brushed my thumb over his bottom lip. Thankfully, he didn't stir. I sighed in relief and mentally slapped myself for what I'd done.

Taehyung, what are you doing to me?


Aye it's me again huhu ♡ I hope this chapter was long enough for y'all ^^

I was writing this while I was out and didn't realise I didn't publish this chapter whOops 😂 but at least it's out now ^^




Anyway, thank you for reading! Have a nice day / night ♡♡♡


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