✿ t w e n t y t w o ✿

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j u n g k o o k

I sat there, facing the screen. I've been here for hours, rereading the article again again.

I've reread some of the words so many times that they started to not make sense anymore.

I just couldn't seem to get the fact that Taehyung, the guy I'd inevitably fallen oh so deeply for, had killed his brother over another boy.

I rubbed my throbbing temple, but the pain didn't subside.

Admittedly, the soft sound of rain drops falling outside did help a little.

I sighed, taking my overheating laptop off my lap as I listened to the sound of rain.

And couldn't help but wonder about Taehyung.

t a e h y u n g

I wrapped my blanket around my body tightly, shivering underneath my covers in fear.

I hated rain, no matter how heavy or soft. I hated it. It just scared me.

I missed Jimin.

I missed the way he would calm me down when it rained by telling me stories or hugging me till I slept.

He was always there for me.

After he was gone, my fear of rain became worse. Whenever it rained, I thought of him.

All the memories of him. And the whole scene would replay in my head.

I would remember his bloodcurling scream right before I pushed him off.

His voice would ring in my head, haunting me until I couldn't sleep.

Sometimes I'd have nightmares.

"Tae, how could you?"

I stared at his bloody corpse, horrified.

I did that.

"Yes, you did."

A trickle of blood ran down the side of his head, his eyes and mouth wide open.

Then, he outstretched his long arms and pulled me by my shoulders, looking at me in the eyes.

"How could you?!"

I screamed. And woke up.

I shuddered at the memory. I woke up at 4am and couldn't sleep again.

It was horrible.

And I doubted I would be able to sleep tonight, too. I guess I wouldn't be too surprised.

I sighed and hugged my bolster tightly.

"It wasn't my fault," I said with my teeth clenched.

The rain got heavier.

As if Jimin was mad that I said that.

"It isn't."

"Jimin's death... Wasn't entirely my fault."

Instead of feeling relieved, I felt more burdened. I felt more guilty.

"Stop passing on the guilt. It is your fault."

I heard a voice in my head.

Jimin's voice.

"It's all your fault."

"Stop," I said, pulling my hair and ignoring the pain.

"You pushed him off."

... It wasn't Jimin's voice. It was him. The person I'd loved.

"F-For a reason."

"You killed me."


"I know."

I let go of my hair, feeling dizzy and tired.

My eyelids felt heavier as I tried my best to keep them open.

"Goodnight, little brother."


I'm so sorry for not updating! My finals are next week so I may not update at all so I would like to apologize in advance 💔

This is more of a filler tbh. The true story behind Jimin's murder will be revealed soon tho :>

Also thanks for 3K reads on this book! ♡♡♡







@cherrysuga (wattpad won't let me tag you I'm sorry :(()





Thanks for voting on the previous chapter! ♡

And thank you all for reading till the end! Have a nice day / afternoon / night ♡


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