✿ s i x t e e n ✿

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t a e h y u n g

I sat down next to Jungkook, giving him a small smile. But he didn't even seem to notice me as I pulled the chair.

His head was rested on his palm with his elbow supporting his arms. He looked out the window with an expressionless face.

I slid my bag off, coughing awkwardly.

He didn't budge.

I sighed, not wanting to disturb him. I've caused him enough trouble already.

He stayed silent the entire class, looking out the window, but not to admire the calm scenery.

Something wasn't right.

He didn't even seem to notice the bell ringing. I tapped his shoulder gently, making him flinch at the contact as he turned around.

His expression was unreadable, but he took notice of the students leaving class and stood up with his bag over his shoulder.

"T-To the garden?" I asked. Well, stuttered. For once, I was afraid of Jungkook. He nodded and walked off without waiting for me.

The distance between us was a bit bigger today. The air around us was tense, almost suffocating.

I wanted to ask him what was wrong. We were fine the day before.

I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out from my lips was a sigh. I closed my mouth. I couldn't muster up the courage to ask.


I felt tears beginning to form, and soon my vision became blurry.

"I-I'll be right back," I said in a hurry, choking back a sob as I ran to a nearby toilet.

I twisted the tap and put my palms under the tap, splashing my face with cold water.

When I saw the boy in the mirror, I clenched my fists.

I wanted to punch it. The mirror was a cruel reminder of how ugly I looked.(a/n I THINK HE'S FUCKING HOT IT'S JUST FOR THE STORY)

I punched the mirror put of hatred and anger and sadness. There was now a small crack present on the mirror.

It was barely noticeable, but it was there.

I slumped to the ground in defeat, finally letting the tears escape my eyes. I couldn't care less about the world around me.

I didn't care if anyone came in and saw me like this.

It's not like they would care about me anyway.

No one ever did.

Well, I did think Jungkook cared.

At one point. It's all in the past, though. Any affection or feelings he had for me was now gone. Now it was just the whole world against me.


I saw him say something to Jungkook and ran off. I snickered. Oh, I was have way too much fun doing this.

Hm, a little more fun wouldn't hurt, I guess.

I smirked as I noticed Taehyung had left his stuff with Jungkook, who seemed to be frowning.

I dug my hands through my pockets, retrieving my phone to call someone.


"What do you want?" A bratty voice came through my phone. I rolled my eyes.

"I need a little help. Come on, Lisa. It's one step closer to breaking Taehyung and ruining his life completely. Just hear me out," I reasoned.

(A/N also I DON'T THINK SHE HAS A BRATTY VOICE. in fact I actually really like her voice hehe but y'all it's just for the story)

I heard her sigh. "Fine."

I smirked, knowing she would do anything to get revenge on the little shit for stealing Jungkook away from her.

"Good choice. Just do as I say, alright?"


honestly what's the bloody point of giving homework on a holiday smh. (I've only been able to complete one each day with minimum time to enjoy doing anything else :( )

Rip logic.

But anyway, quite a short chapter today I'm sorry :<

But at least I got one out ehe :>>





Thank you for voting on the previous chapter! ♡

And a great big thank you to everyone who read till the end! Hope you guys have a great day / afternoon / night ♡


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