✿ e l e v e n ✿

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a day later, at school

t a e h y u n g

I pulled my hoodie over my head and stared at the ground, avoiding any social interaction or eye contact with anyone unnecessary.

I hastily inserted my earphones into my ears, letting myself drown in EXO's 'Universe' (A/N : I'm not an EXO-L, but I love this song).

As D.O was just starting to sing, I crashed into someone, earning a loud growl. But I ignored it.

Well, I tried. The person pulled me by my hoodie, making my head tilt up and the hoodie drop from my head.

I turned to face one of the people I wish I didn't.

"Watch where you're going, bitch," Yoongi said, staring at me with hatred.

It made my heart drop.

He never stared at me with so much hate before. Not even in the previous encounters we've shared.

And I knew why.


He snapped me out of thoughts, continuing, "Should've done the same with your mouth."

And turned on his heel, leaving me in the halls that - although had many people in it - felt alone.

I sat cross legged behind the rails, looking down at the small yet beautiful garden behind our school.

I got up and leaned over the railing, looking at the green grass, swaying peacefully due to the wind.

I could just...

I lifted one of my legs, placing it on top of the railing.

I heaved in a breath, feeling a tear roll down my cheeks and dropping onto the grass.

Everyone's having their classes right now. No one can stop me.

Nobody would care.

I'd be free.

"Hey!" I heard a loud yell behind me and felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my petite waist, pulling me away from the railing.

I struggled against the stranger, but lost eventually as the person was way stronger than I was.

"What were you- T-Taehyung...?"

I looked up to meet Jungkook, who's eyes were widened in shock.

"Kookie... I-I-"

He cut me off, embracing me in a silent hug. I stood there, frozen. Not knowing whether to hug him back or cry.

So I did both.

"I-It's okay, Tae Tae hyung..."

A small smile appeared across my face as I heard the nickname.

He patted my back as I continued staining his shirt with tears.

"K-Kookie," I said in a hoarse voice, hiccuping. He hummed softly. "I-I'm so sorry..."

"Please don't apologize, hyung."

We stayed silent, with no one bothering us.

The quiet chirping of the birds and the sound of grass hitting one another as they danced from the wind served as the background music.

It was all I needed to feel at peace.

To forget what just happened.

And to savour the present instead.


Short little chapter :') lol idk I just felt like writing this. There's a hint in this chapter to Taehyung's bg story ;) it's very vague, so if you catch it I applaud 👏

Also, the next chapter will continue from this day!! So ye :3 I'll remind y'all again in the beginning of the next chapter in case you guys forget (or never read this A/N :p)



Thank you for voting on the previous chapter!

And thank y'all for reading! Have a nice day / night ♡


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