✿ t w o ✿

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t a e h y u n g


I stared at the words that were spray painted across my locker. I heard people snickering and laughing behind me.

"Already messing around with the new kid, huh?" Lisa asked, smirking. I turned around to face her. Beside her stood her gang, which included Jennie and Jisoo.

"Queen bees of the school" as they all say. I prefer to call them "Queen b's of the school", but I guessed I was no different.

"Did you already get ov-"

"Stop!" I yelled. She laughed along with everybody else. Tears threatened to escape my eyes, but I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

She rolled her eyes.


"What the fuck is going on here?" A familiar voice came from the crowd that had formed around us. I peered over Lisa's shoulders, revealing Jungkook.

Oh no.

My eyes widened as Jungkook towered over Lisa, who's eyes multiplied by its regular size.

"Jungkook!" Lisa gasped. She threw herself onto him, hugging his bisceps and looking up at him in fake sadness.

"He tried to-"

"Get off me," Jungkook yelled, pushing her away. She looked at him in disbelief and so did everyone else. But he ignored them and came to me while Lisa's minions went to aid her.

"Are you okay?" He asked with genuine concern as he gripped my shoulders. I stood there, frozen.

"Why are you asking him that after you pushed me and almost made me fall?!" Lisa yelled in frustration, stomping up to Jungkook.

"Because one, I'm supposed to be helping the victim, not the bully. Two, keyword is almost. You didn't fall. Get over it," Jungkook gritted through his teeth.

"Need some ice for that burn, Lisa?" A small shout came from the crowd followed by a fit of laughter, which only angered her more.

"We're leaving," Lisa snapped, motioning for her little group to follow. They shot me one last glare and walked off.

The crowd soon left and there stood me and Jungkook in front of my spray painted locker.

"God, what a bitch," Jungkook murmered, ruffling his hair. He creased his brows at me.

I sighed. You would be saying the same to me if you knew.

"T-Thanks for standing up for me, b-but please... j-just leave me alone."

I regretted my words almost immediately when I saw Jungkook's face fall, but I knew what I was doing was for his own good.

"Why?" He asked, trying to hide his hurt expression. I bit my lip.

"B-Because you're just going to get treated the same way I do if you hang around m-me, and... I-I don't want to see that happen," I said, part truthfully.

"Hey, listen," he said, lifting my chin up with his fingers. He stared softly into my eyes. "If they're going to treat me the same way they do to you, so be it. At least we've got each other. So can we be friends, please?"

I stood there silently, not knowing what to say.


Such a foreign word to me, and admittedly, it did sound nice.

But there was a reason why I didn't have any.

"Jungkook, it's not just about you..." I mumbled, looking down. His hands fell to his sides.

"W-What if I give you some time to think about it? Please?" He practically begged. I bit my lip.

I seriously couldn't bring myself to say no to the boy who stood up for me when he barely knew me and practically looked like a cute little bunny.


His face lit up, and so did mine when I saw his happiness, even if it was just a little bit.

"Great! I'll see you around..."

"Taehyung. You can call me Tae, though." I smiled. He nodded and waved goodbye as he ran off to his next class which he was late for.

Once I was sure he was gone, I mentally slapped myself.

What had I dragged the boy into?

If only he knew what I'd done, he wouldn't be asking for friendship.


Whoop I gtg study now

Thanks for reading and have a nice day / afternoon / night! ♡

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