✿ f i f t e e n ✿

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t a e h y u n g

How did this person know about the kiss? Couldn't I be happy for once?

I screamed into my pillow in frustration, letting tears slip from my eyes.

I'll give you a week
because I'm feeling
generous. Appreciate
it, bitch

But a week's all
you got :)

Good luck. I'll have
my fun watching you
suffer :)

Instead of feeling scared, I felt my blood boil after reading the last sentence.

Was I just served as entertainment to this person? A funny show they could laugh at?

I was tempted to type something snarky back, but I knew it would come back and bite me in the ass.

I sighed and rubbed my temples, setting my phone on the bedside table and lifting my soft blanket over my head.

Jungkook and I were sat against the tree in the school's garden again. A place where I found peace in.

Well, not today (A/N : :>>>>). Negative thoughts clouded my mind, constantly reminding myself that someone could be watching me this very moment.

I looked around, paranoid, but returned back to my normal position when I saw nothing suspicious.

But the feeling never disappeared.

Jungkook noticed my silence.

"Tae? What's wrong?"

I flinched as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, but eventually melted into his warm embrace.

I felt safe and protected, as if this gesture alone blocked out all the evil in the world.

And it was just me and Jungkook.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He said softly, running his hands through my hair. I sighed. "It's not about the kiss, right? You know I-"

"N-No," I stuttered, blushing. "It's j-just... It's nothing, Kookie. Don't worry about me."

He didn't seem reassured. Not in the slightest bit.

"Tae, I know you well enough to tell when you're lying. And you're a terrible liar." He chuckled, but it seemed forced. Like a way to lighten the mood just a little.

I sighed. "I don't feel like... talking about it right now."

He hummed and nodded.

"Alright. But if you ever decide to tell me, you know I'll listen, right?"

I nodded.

He smiled.

And the shrill sound of the bell rang in the distance, signaling the start of a new period.

"I've got Chemistry. Gotta go," he said. He quickly pecked the top of my head and dashed off, his bag slung hastily over his shoulder.

I blushed and giggled like a little child. How did a boy that I'd only known in such a short time take control over my emotions so easily?

I felt a vibration against my thigh.

I pulled out my phone.

A message.


I saw that.


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