✿ t h i r t e e n ✿

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j u n g k o o k

We sat in my car with a comfortable silence between us.

The windshield wipers moved from side to side, pushing the raindrops away, only to be met by more as the rain got heavier.

Thank God I brought him in here in time.

He brought the steaming cup to his lips, gulping down the coffee I'd bought.

"Thanks, Kookie."

I nodded in response. I realised he was still dripping wet and shivering from the cold, so I opened my car compartment and fished out a dry towel.

"I-I can do it myself, Kookie."

"It's fine, hyung. Just drink your coffee."

I wiped his hair with the towel, then proceeded to wipe the rest of his drenched body. He seemed to stiffen under my touch, however not complaining at all.

I then slid off my coat and draped it over his small, petite body.

He sighed in comfort, staring out the window.

I continued to stare at him.

It was just too hard to resist. Everything about him was perfect, even when he was a sobbing mess and was dripping with rain.

A perfect mess.



"How'd you find me here?"


He continued staring at the cemetary, his expression unreadable.

"I-I was just... Passing by a-and saw you."


He sipped his coffee and sighed.

"You don't have anything to ask me?" He asked, now turning to look at me.

Now that I thought about it, I did. But I felt as if it was too personal.


He nodded, looking at the time displayed on the small screen of my car.

"I should probably get home then."

"I'll drive you."

It was a long, silence filled drive accompanied by the sound of raindrops landing on my car.

"Thanks for taking me back, Kookie."

That nickname makes my heartbeat every time he says it.

Yet he doesn't seem to notice my heart skipping a beat, or me freezing on the spot.

"No problem. Get some rest, okay?" I said, smiling warmly at him as I placed a hand on his shoulder.

He shot back a rather forced smile, but I didn't say a word about it.

My hand began trailing down his arm as I dropped it, capturing his hand in mine, massaging it gently. He physically relaxed.

"Goodnight." He kissed me on the cheek and scurried out of the car, running into the house.

If not for the dim street lights illuminating the dark night, I don't think anyone would've noticed the blush that had crept on my cheeks.

And the smile that formed with it.


Short chapter, so sorry :( I've been a bit occupied with other things lately (aka I got into journaling :3) so I'm trying to even out the time I use for that and writing ♡



Thank you for voting on the previous chapter!

And thanks everyone for reading till the end! Have a great day / afternoon / night ♡


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