✿ e i g h t ✿

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j u n g k o o k

"That's uh... My friend..." He said. I looked at the picture again and noted how Tae had his arm around the boy's small waist, a wide grin plastered across both their cheeks.

I felt a pang of jealousy grow inside me and didn't feel like asking about who he was anymore.

I nodded and silently typed in the password, watching the screen switch to a different background.

"So... Let's get started?" I heard his voice over my shoulder. I jumped slightly on the chair, making him chuckle.

His laugh was enough to send shivers down my spine.

I clicked on the Google icon and waited for it to load, all the while noticing how Taehyung placed both his hands on the table, caging me in.

(A/N : in case you can't picture it, I'll try my best to elaborate more 😂 so like, Jk is sitting down and facing the laptop, and Tae is like towering over him. He's trying to look at the screen so he places one hand on each side beside jk to support himself. Get it? 😂😂😂)

I felt my heart beat accelerating and cursed under my breath. Taehyung was basically breathing down my neck without knowing it.

I hated the way Taehyung made me so nervous. Fuck you, feelings.

After the tab finally loaded, I typed in our topic and found some information. Taehyung got up and moved to the printer to turn it on.

I missed his presence and mentally slapped myself because of it.

And then I remembered the boy in the picture.

I felt my heart sink.

He's probably more than a friend, judging by how close they were in the picture.

But then I thought, why hadn't I seen the guy in school before?

Maybe Taehyung transferred?

"Tae?" I asked. He connected the cable to his laptop and looked up at me.


"Did you go to a different school before this?" I asked. He sighed and nodded.

That could explain the boy. But why did he switch?

"But why-"

"Stop asking me these questions, Jungkook!" His sudden outburst scared me. He looked at me with anger and... Sadness?

"I-I'm sorry, Tae," I said, standing up. His breathing returned to normal after I spoke and sighed, looking down.

"I'm sorry for screaming at you," he said sincerely. I cooed at the sight and engulfed him in a small hug, screaming internally.

"It's okay..." I said. I felt him hug me back, but suddenly started crying.

"Tae?" I asked, pulling away. I looked at him in concern when I saw his red eyes.

"I-I just... My old school brings back... Horrible memories." He sniffled. I pulled him back into a hug and patted his back.

"It's okay, Tae. Just let it out," I said. His tears stained my school uniform, but I didn't mind. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I felt him shake his head. I nodded, understanding how he felt.

And we just stayed there, like that.


A comfortable silent draped over us with no words exchanged, but I could tell it helped to calm him down.

I just wished it lasted forever.


Ayee happy late Valentines day! Here's some fluff hehe :3 Don't be sad if you didn't have a valentines bc I didn't either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for reading and have a nice day / night ♡






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