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j u n g k o o k

I sighed deeply as I watched him take off, running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

I stared off into the distance, a frown etched on my face.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise someone sitting next to me.

A feminine cough came from the side. Surprise, I turned to see Lisa.

Not so surprised anymore.

"What the fuck do you want?" I groaned, rolling my eyes. She pouted.

"Is this how you treat a girl?"

"No, it's how I treat bitches."

It was her turn to roll her eyes, but a sly smirk formed on her face.

"Aw, you don't mean that," she cooed, placing her hand on my bicep as she stroked it.

I pulled away, disgusted. "I do. Now fuck off."

But she kept on persisting. I didn't look at her, but I heard her mumbling.

"Hurry up."

"What was that?" I turned to look at her. She shook her head and smiled nervously.

I went back to focusing on the scenery as she continued mumbling. What was her goddamn problem?

"What the fuck are you mumbling about? Stop ruining my peace," I yelled a little too loudly.

But what surprised me next was a pair of lips on mine, aggressively kissing me.

She licked my top lip and wrapped her arms around my neck.

The sound of crunching leaves, as if someone were stepping on them.

I pushed her off.


He looked at both of us in shock and betrayal.

I didn't notice, but Lisa sent him a smug smile.

"I-I'm sorry for i-interrupting."


He grabbed his bag and left quickly without letting me speak.

I turned to Lisa, who was smiling proudly as if she had won an award.

"Maybe we should continue where we left off," she said seductively, placing a hand on my chest. I backed away and looked at her with anger and hatred.

"Fuck off, Lisa." I growled, slapping her face. She held her reddening cheek, gaping at me.

I quickly stood up with my things and ran off to find Taehyung.

He misunderstood everything.

I had to find him.

t a e h y u n g

I threw my bag on the ground and screamed. A wet blotch appeared on the carpet, thanks to my tears.

But I didn't care about that at the moment.

I dropped onto the ground with both of my knees, ignoring the slight pain.

"Stop this nightmare, please," I begged, cupping my hands together as tears continued streaming seedown my cheeks.

"Please..." I curled into a ball and hugged my knees to my chest.

"Let me sleep," I said to no one in particular. I felt so cold even though my air conditioner wasn't turned on.

Maybe it was the feeling of being alone.

I hugged my knees tighter.

I haven't felt this way since...

Since I met Jungkook.

The feeling that hadn't haunted me in a while still felt the same.

But it felt worse. It hurt more than before.

I inhaled sharply, furiously rubbing my eyes with my sleeve.

"Let me sleep and never wake me up."

I let darkness take over my vision and fatigue control my body.


aLright first off, I would like to thank you all for 1k reads on this book and 3k reads on my other book 'Four Years' (cHeck iT OuT *ahem*)! ♡






Thanks for voting on chapter sixteen!

And thanks from the bottom of my heart to sinner_aries who's been here since the start of my first book :')))))) ♡♡♡ and of course to everyone who's voted, commented and read my books ♡ it means a lot to me :')

Thanks for reading and have a nice day / night ♡


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