✿ t w e n t y f o u r ✿ : E N D

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j u n g k o o k

I hopped off my bike and threw it to the side. It wasn't exactly top priority to lock it somewhere safe at the moment.

I rushed through the gates and ran past the seemingly endless number of stones with names carved on them with care.

It was otherwise empty, the sound of my footsteps filled the entire site.

And then I saw him.

He was sat in front of one particular stone that I didn't pay attention to the last time I came here.

His face was buried in his palms, his shoulders visibly shaking.

I ran to him.


He turned around, his eyes widened in both shock and... Happiness.

Before he could say anything, I wrapped my arms around his slim waist, burying my neck into the crook of his neck.

"T-Tae..." I tried stopping my tears, but it hurt too much. So I just let it all out.

"Tae, I'm s-sorry."

He didn't say a word and weakly wrapped his arms around my shoulders, patting my back softly.

"I-It's okay, K-Kookie."

God, that nickname.

We were sat on the ground in a cemetery with me crying and him trying to calm me down, even if he just finished crying on his own.

"God, Tae. I-I-"

"I told you, it's fine, Kookie. Really."

My heart skipped a beat and dropped as I remembered all the questions I didn't have answers to.

He seemed to have read my mind as he gently unwrapped himself from my arms and turning to face the stone again.

He smiled at me.

"K-Kookie, meet my brother, J-Jimin."

I looked at the name that was carved in cursive writing.

In loving memory of
Kim Jimin
2000 - 2017
Aged 17

I stared blankly at the gravestone.

I was about to get into a touchy subject, but I didn't like making Taehyung feel uncomfortable.

I sighed.

I needed to know.

"Taehyung... What exactly happened. That day, I mean." I saw him bite his lip.

"I knew you'd ask that." He chuckled. He let out a shaky breath.

"I-I don't want to force you-"

"No, I get it. Y-You deserve to know."

I checked my phone.


* flashback *

"Taehyung! How could you?!" Jimin yelled, storming towards me. I stared in fear as I noticed the rage in his eyes.

He wasn't Jimin hyung I knew.

"J-Jimin hyung, please-"

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