✿ t w e n t y t h r e e ✿

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A/N : I got the photo from @95skth on Instagram if y'all want quality pictures I suggest you follow her if you haven't already :>

j u n g k o o k

I stared blankly at Taehyung's empty seat.

"Attendance time, class. Raise your hand when I call your name or you'll be marked as absent. Please stay silent while I do so," Mrs Song said, glaring at us.

She didn't like us very much, but nobody cared if she did.

She called out a few more names until she finally reached mine.

"Jeon Jeongguk?"


She marked my attendance and continued on.

"Kim Jaehyun?"

Jaehyun stopped talking to his equally as cheerful friend, Hoseok, and turned his attention to our teacher.

"Here!" He said with enthusiasm, raising his hand and immediately going back to talking to Hoseok.

"Lee Minho?"

Where was Taehyung's name? Did she skip it on accident?

However after roll call, she looked through the list of students again and walked back to her desk.

I wanted to stand up and ask her about it, but wouldn't that be a little weird?

I bit my lip anxiously.

I'll ask after class.

The shrill bell rang in my ears annoyingly. Mrs Song hurriedly dismissed us and sighed in relief.

I waited for everyone to leave before walking up to her desk.

"Mrs Song?"

She squinted at me through her round glasses.

"Yes, Jeongguk? What's so important that you had to disturb my peace?"

I hated that she called me by my real name, but I shrugged it off and got to the point.

"I- uh... Was wondering, you know. During roll call, you skipped Taehyung's name?"

"And?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"A-And I was just wondering if you noticed... That's all."

Now she was really looking at me with genuine confusion.

"Okay... Well, it was supposed to be private information but I guess telling you wouldn't hurt."

Why was it supposed to be kept from everyone else?

"You see, the boy apparently hurt someone, judging by the bloodied knife that was found this morning in his room. Not sure who, though. He wouldn't tell either."


"Anyway, until they figure out, they're moving him somewhere else so he won't hurt anyone else."

Taehyung... He hurt someone? I didn't know if I should've been surprised or not.


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