✿ t w e l v e ✿

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note : this takes place the same day as the previous chapter :)

t a e h y u n g

I sat next to Jungkook, leaning my head against his shoulder under the tree in the school garden.

Apparently, I was wrong about everyone being in class -- Jungkook had free period.

But I silently thanked the Gods for that.

I sighed in content, listening to the music of nature and Jungkook humming softly.



He bit his lip. I knew what was coming. "W-Why'd you try it?"

I stayed silent as I lifted my head from his shoulder, suddenly unable to form a conherent sentence.

I couldn't tell him.

Not right now.

"J-Just forget what I said. I'm sorry for asking," he said in a rush, turning his head to look at me. He looked genuinely sorry, so I smiled and shrugged it off.

Then, I felt a buzz against my pants.

I slipped out my phone to see a notification.

Alarm (now)
Cloze || Snooze

Shoot. I almost forgot. How could I?

I quickly closed it and shoved it into my pocket, slinging my bag that I'd gotten from my locker over my shoulder and standing up.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked.

"I-I..... Gotta go home, yeah." I gulped, as if forcefully shoving the guilt down my stomach.


"Kookie, you should go home, too," I said, looking at him in worry as he stayed glued on the spot. He shook his head.

"It's fine. I'll go later."

"Okay then... B-Bye Kookie."

He didn't say a word as I left with tears brimming my eyes.

"The usual?"

I nodded. The young man behind the counter shot me a sweet smile that I couldn't help but return.

He wrapped the flowers nicely as I slid a ten dollar note across the counter.


"Anytime, Tae."

I stepped out of the shop, hearing the small bell chime behind me.

The gravel crunched beneath my feet as I walked past the seemingly endless number of stones with names etched on each of them.

I walked to a particular one that was situated right in the middle of the site.

I kneeled down in front of it, taking a huge breath.

(Mianhae ; Sorry)

The one that meant to me the most.

Was the one I wanted to forget.

I placed the bouquet of marigold flowers down on the ground.

"Hyung..." I held back my tears.

"I miss you so much."

And I broke down into tears.

I didn't stop.

Not even when a light rain came pouring down, the drops of water landing on my shoulder as if comforting me, patting my back as I cried.

Not even when I felt an actual hand on my shoulder and realised that the rain had stopped pouring down on me.

I didn't care who it was when they turned me around, holding me in a tight embrace.

I cried into their chest, hearing their soft, comforting whispers.

"You aren't alone."

"I've got you."


Angst coming soon???? :>>>>

Guess you guys will have to wait and see gjskkdks :>



Thank you for voting on the previous chapter! ♡

And thanks to all of you for reading till the end! Have a great day / afternoon / night ♡


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