✿ t e n ✿

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j u n g k o o k

As soon as I opened my eyes, I immediately shielded them from the ray of scorching sunlight that poured through the window.

Yawning, I stretched my limbs and rubbed my eyes, turning to face Taehyung.

Well, the spot where he slept, anyway. I looked at the empty space and frowned.

Where was he?

I sat up and looked around, but there were no signs of him anywhere.

I reluctantly stood up from the bed and walked to the door, lazily turning the knob and not realizing that it was being pushed opened from the other side.

Before I knew it, the hard wooden surface came in contact with my face. I stumbled back, groaning in pain.

"Kookie?" Taehyung called, alarmed when he saw me rubbing my nose. "Oh my God, Kookie!"

He placed down a tray with food, running to me and gently removing my hands, cupping my now flaming cheeks, though he didn't seem to realise as he was busy checking my face.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't realise you were there and thought I would surprise you while you were still asleep!" He rambled, rubbing my nose, which was red.

"H-Hyung, I'm o-okay," I said reassuringly. He nodded, biting his bottom lip as he retracted his hands to his sides.

"W-Well, I made you b-breakfast," he said sheepishly, picking up the tray and handing it to me, showing me his boxy smile in addition.

This was not helping my cheeks.

"T-Thank you, hyung," I said, taking the tray and licking my lips at the sight of the food.

The smell of bacon, eggs and toast with butter filled the entire room, making me realise how hungry I actually was.

"Eat up, Kookie," he said, chuckling. I nodded and smiled at him, running to the bed to sit down. As I was digging in, I felt the bed dip beside me.

I looked up from my food to look at Taehyung.

"I-Is it nice?" He asked, his facial expression showing obvious nervousness.

"It's amazing!" I told him honestly, making his face light up along with mine.

"I-I'm glad you think so," he said, giggling. His giggles were so cute, I felt like squishing his adorable cheeks, but I restrained myself from doing so.

Once I was finished, I wiped my mouth with the back of my sleeve.

Well, his sleeve. He lent me his clothes, after all.

He smiled, but soon frowned when he looked at the time.

"Jungkook, shouldn't you go back by now? I mean, aren't your parents worried?" He asked. I sighed. I fought the urge to shake my head and nodded.

"I-I guess I should get home. I'll shower here first, if you don't mind," I said. He nodded and got off the bed, handing me a slightly damp towel.

"J-Just use my towel and call me when you're done, okay?" He instructed. I nodded and went into his bathroom as he sat down on the bed.

t a e h y u n g

"H-Hyung?" I heard Jungkook say from inside the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I said, averting my eyes from my phone.


"What is it, Kookie?"

"I... Um... F-forgot to bring my... c-clothes."

I cooed internally at his stuttering. How could someone that protected me from bullies be this cute?

"Just wrap a towel around yourself and choose some of my clothes," I said. I heard him sigh in hesitation, but got out of the bathroom anyway.

And holy shit, it was a godly sight. Water droplets were falling from his soft brown locks, along with a towel wrapped around his hips, showing off his abs.

I immediately blushed and looked away.

"T-They're in that dresser," I said, pointing at the dresser in front of me. He nodded shyly and walked to it, bending down slightly to open it.

I blushed harder when he bent down, and I fought the urge to attack him right there and then.

I coughed and focused on my phone.

Well then.


Crappy chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed it :3

Also, 1.11k reads on Four Years?! It was 1.03k last night omg fjsnsndn you guys are the best 😥❤😭

I never expected the book to even hit 100 reads when I first wrote it 😂 but thank you all! ♡♡♡




Thank you for voting on the previous chapter! ^^

Anyway, thank you guys so so much for reading! Have a great day / afternoon / night ♡


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