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Things I learned in 2017
* The Capitol is an amazing place & I will forever adore politics
* Don't string someone along if you know they're not what you want
* It's okay to be single on holidays, it doesn't make you a loser
* Sometimes all you need is a road trip & some great sex
* Rebounds aren't for everyone
* Find a job you love that makes you happy to go to work every day
* Cut out toxic people, they only bring you down
* Pop punk music is fucking amazing and under appreciated
* It's okay to fall head over heels with someone. Embrace it. Even if you get your heartbroken, you'll bounce back like you always do & fall in love all over again
* Drinking doesn't solve anything, but a glass of wine with a friend does wonders
* Living on your own isn't something to be afraid of. It will help you find yourself and urge you to grow as a person
* Flirting. Is. Fun.
* Be spontaneous. Make the jump. What's the worst that could happen?
* I'm not one for one night stands
* I get attached super quickly
* I'm not broken. I'm merely fractured; but self-healing is an amazing thing.
* I have grown as a writer, and I will continue to grow as a writer with each experience
* Stand up for yourself and those in need
* Friends are everything, even if that means screaming in your parents' faces about everything they're doing wrong
* Humor is a wonderful thing
* It's okay to look fondly on past relationships, just don't go back to something that can't be mended
* Treat yourself.
* A cleaning day with blasting music and a hot bubble bath is fantastic
* Sometimes you need to chainsmoke to rock music
* And if nothing else, love who you are. If you don't, become the person you want to be.

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