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"Do you smell that?" Ian asked his wife, Hillary. He could just smell a very faint hint of iron somewhere within the trees but could not point out exactly where the scent was coming from. Hillary shook her head in response.

"It's much too cold out here to smell anything, Ian. We should be getting back home before the boys start to worry." She replied.

The pair were currently outside in the midst of one of the coldest winters they had ever experienced. Hillary was shivering despite being the powerful Luna she was. Ian being the current Alpha of the Galaxy pack meant they were the leaders of one of the strongest packs of their kind in the world.

"Just a moment, Love." Determined to find the cause of the smell he walked ahead of her through some trees, the smell getting slightly stronger as he spotted bushes so he bent down and pushed some of the snow-covered leaves apart to spot what he had been smelling. Hillary gasped softly from behind him.

"It's a girl," she whispered walking over to where the little girl lay on the ice wrapped in no more than a thin black blanket. There were crystals of ice clinging to the strands of her chocolate brown hair, her skin drained of its colour, lips were blue and yet, the Alpha and his wife noticed, she was still breathing. Very softly, but none the less; breathing.

"What is she doing out here?" Ian asked looking around, but there was nothing to indicate where she had come from, he figured she had been there a while given the lack of footprints and the amount of ice on the blanket. Hillary knelt down and touched the girl's face lightly, immediately pulling her hand back as soon as it made contact with the ice-cold cheek.

"She's one of them!" She said not taking her eyes from the little girl.

"I know..." He had been able to sense what type of wolf she was as soon as he had seen her, "How is she still alive? It's freezing out here, and by the look of it she has been out here for a while already..." Ian mumbled.

"She's so beautiful, Ian." Ian looked as his wife touched the girl's cheek again gently, her thumb running over the child's eyelashes clearing away the dusty snow that had been on it. The girl must have barely been seven years old. There was no doubt she was supernatural, she was part of one of the strongest kinds of werewolves. They were known to be very protective of their own kind, so why was this little girl out in the forest alone? It made him quite suspicious. Was it a trap? He could not figure out why it would be, his pack was not currently on bad terms with anyone and why would they risk harming this little girl just to bait other wolves?

"Ian, she's getting weaker. Let's take her home." Hillary finally looked up at her husband. He knew that look, Hillary seemed to already have made her mind up. They could not though.

"She's one of them, Hillary. The pack wouldn't accept her." Ian said. It was hard enough convincing his pack to accept a wolf of the same breed, let alone a completely different one.

"You don't know that. Besides, you're Alpha. They have to accept her if she's yours." Ian looked at the girl when Hillary said that. They had three children already, all boys. He had always wanted a girl...

Ian hair out of her face as he studied her. They could not just leave her in the snow to die, no matter what kind of wolf she was, she was just a child...

"Fine." He mumbled glancing up at his wife. Hillary smiled as Ian picked the little girl up into his arms to hold her against his chest. The girl squirmed weakly against him and he wrapped his coat around her as best he could before his eyes widened when the blanket slipped from her shoulder and he saw where the smell of iron had come from, "Hillary, her arm." There was a huge bite on her arm, her skin practically ripped to the bone and it looked and smelt infected, it was still bleeding. But why? She was a werewolf. She was supposed to heal.

"She's not healing? It must be because she's very weak right now." Hillary was a combination of witch and werewolf since as her mother had been a witch and her father a werewolf. She lifted her hand to the girl's arm and they began to emit and olive green glow. Ian watched as the girl's wound healed. He had been married to Hillary for fifteen years and yet was still amazed by her power. Ian lifted his hand and pulled the blanket back over the girl when she was healed. He smiled when she cuddled closer to him. Hillary was right; she could be theirs and Ian knew that from that moment she was.


"Daddy, Daddy!" Ian smiled hearing his little girl's voice. When she had woken up, Ian and Hillary learnt that she had no memory of her past. Not where she lived or how she had ended up in the forest, not who her parents were, she didn't even know her name. So they named her, and told her that they were her parents and their sons were her brothers.

"Yes, Izzy?" They had named her Izabella. Her brothers, twelve-year-old Cohen, and ten-year-old twins, Gray and Adan had taken an instant liking to her. Hearing a soft sob made Ian look up from his work instantly angered, "Izabella, what happened?" He asked moving from his desk and kneeling before her. He held back a smile at how dirty the light blue dress she was in looked, she much have been playing in the sand.

"N-no one wants to play with me," she rubbed her eyes causing him to take hold of her wrist gently to prevent her from getting any more dirt in them. Her brown eyes were surrounded by red puffiness from her crying, "They - they say their m-mommies said to st-stay away from me."

Ian frowned. He had spoken to the pack, had told them to treat her like one of their own. He was not about to let her get hurt more than she already had.

"It's alright. Why don't you go play with Cohen and the twins for now?" He smiled.

"Yeah, Izzy." Izabella turned hearing Adan at the door, "Come on," the boy grinned.

Izabella nodded smiling at Ian before running out of his office with her brother.

The Alpha's smile dropped once the kids were gone. He was going to have to have a serious talk with his pack.


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