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"Corey!" I yelled. I hadn't seen him in a week and a few days so spotting him in the hall made me a little overly happy.

He turned and smiled.

"Iz-zay!" He called.

I laughed as I hugged him.

"Hay-ley!" I yelled happily, seeing her behind him.

"Quit. Yelling." Sean hissed at me. I rolled my eyes, back to his usual, grumpy self.

"Sean! Piggyback!" Sean smiled at Clara as he lifted her and swung her on his back. When had they become friends?

"She likes him. I have no idea why. But he seems to like her too, so it's cool." Tyler said as Sean and Clara began playing some game where they saw people in the hall as ghost.

"They seem to get along well," I mumbled.

"Someone jealous? Don't worry, you have me!" Trent said. I laughed as he hung his arms around my shoulders.

"Oh yeah, guys, this is Tyler, my cousin," I pointed at Tyler and he waved at them, "Alexis, his mate, and Trent, some weird artistic guy I met," I said.

"I'm not weird," Trent muttered.

"I'm Hayley, and he's Corey." Hayley smiled.

"I'm a ghost," Kaden muttered. We laughed.

"Okay, this is the awesomest young Alpha ever, Kaden," I said. I heard Sean snort and Kaden smirked at him.

"'Awesomest? Is that even a word?" Sean asked.

"Don't be mad 'cause your girl likes me more than she does you," Kaden said.

"You wish," Sean said.

"I'm not his girl." I frowned crossing my arms.

"You're so damn stubborn, I thought we were done with that?" Sean glared at me. I opened my mouth to reply but Hayley spoke.

"Drama!" She yelled. Sean and I frowned at her as they all began laughing.

"So, I got Aunt May's station wagon. Who's up for a trip to the mall?" I heard Alexis.

"Me!" I cried out the same time Hayley did. I heard Tyler and Kaden groan.

"Why not? I mean, we could use some new games." Trent said.

"Yeah, let's go to the mall." Kaden was suddenly very enthusiastic.

"You kids going out?" I looked at Dad and smiled.

"Yes, Alpha. Would you like anything?" Sean asked. I rolled my eyes. He always sucked up to my dad pretending to be all respectful and thoughtful.

"You guys to behave yourselves," Joe spoke from next to my father.

"Look who's telling people to behave themselves," Cole said to my father. Joe rolled his eyes as my dad and Cole laughed.

"I'm doing your pack a favour. Stop insulting me around my pack." Joe said frowning at them.

"Mmm... Alpha. You seem awfully unskilled around these two." Wayne smirked. Joe glared at him as we laughed.

"Well, we should get going. You know clearance sales, they always clear out fast." Alexis said grabbing her bag.

"Oh my gosh, there's a clearance sale?" Hayley asked.

"There they go." Corey rolled his eyes. The guys chuckled.

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