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"So, where are you going?" Joe asked. He hadn't explained what he meant, why he said everyone wanted me.

I shrugged pulling my chocolate milkshake closer to me and taking a sip. I was glad he was paying because I could not afford this right now.

"I was thinking the cinema tonight. Don't know about tomorrow." I said.

"What about my pack? There's always been space for you." He smiled.

"Yeah? I'm not sure... I don't want my Dad thinking I went rogue and then got a new pack - I mean, Ian." I said.

"He is your Dad, Izabella. That's not going to change because he wanted you to feel like he was truly your father by not telling you that you were adopted." Joe said.

"Yeah?" I sighed, "I kinda miss them now... My mom always yelled at my brothers because they would come to my room and joke around while I was apparently 'asleep' and then they would argue that she woke me up by yelling." I mumbled. He chuckled.

"Tell me about the Titan thing now?" I asked.

"It's one of the only two other Amarelo packs. They're weak though. What do they want from you? The same thing everyone else does. Your blood." He said.

"My blood?" I asked confused, he nodded.

"Yes. Did you know your blood could make other wolves immensely stronger?" I stared at him shocked and confused. He couldn't be serious.

"Yeah?" I asked, my tone of voice making it sound like I thought he was messing with me. He rolled his eyes.

"Izabella, when you were four, you hurt yourself while you were playing with one of the other pack girls, your finger was bleeding, it fell onto her food, she didn't notice and ate it. In the next few hours, her strength grew substantially. She could take on full-grown fighters easily. Your birth father told our pack not to tell anyone or they would be killed. Not rogued, Izabella, killed." He said, "Somehow word got out to the Titans and some other wolves, and that's how your parents died, the Titans used to outnumber us by so much, but these wolves that attacked us were new, strong, they were at least three times as many as we were. We were strong but they had numbers and so much power, they raided our pack trying to get to you, your blood, and your parents died that day. By the time we all healed from the fighting, the weird wolves were gone, our Alpha male and female dead and their daughter, gone. The fact that it was one of the coldest winters we had ever experienced forced us to believe that if you had escaped, the cold would have killed you. I have no idea why the only people they killed were our Alphas." He said.

I felt a buzz and remembered I had my phone with me. I checked it, it was a message from Dad. I noticed that I had missed about seven calls from him and eleven from Mom. I smiled. Oh, Mom. I opened the message.

'Come home. I'll explain everything, I promise. Please.' It said. I bit my lip.

"What's your pack's name?" I looked at Joe.

"Have you not done any research on packs excluding your own?" He asked.

"I have, on the packs I thought mattered. I didn't exactly know wolves of our type existed until a couple of days ago." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Inferno." He said.

'I'll be staying at the Inferno pack for a few days, I'll be back by next week, I promise.' I sent, a minute later my phone began ringing, I knew it was Dad before I even answered it.

"Dad," I said.

"You're joining another pack?" He asked.

"No, I'm just staying there for a while. I uh... Found my uncle... He's Alpha there. I'll be back home in a week." I said.

Amarelo BloodWhere stories live. Discover now