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"What makes you happy?"

Taeyeon looked up from her fingers, realising that she left the counsellor's question hanging for a minute now. That was a very easy question, but why did she have to think about it for so long. People would normally reply with their loved ones or food, but why couldn't she just say that.

Her family and friends do make her happy, but why does she feel so lonely all the time?

She started to think back to her happiest memories last year. Hanging out with Heechul and the gang definitely left a significant impact in her happiest memories. She remembered that she was very upset when they graduated.

Moving forward to her winter vacation where she spent her time volunteering to help in a bake sale for orphans. Helping out the orphans made her happy, it filled her heart with joy seeing the kids having fun.

But at times she feels lonely there because she is always very quiet and too shy to talk to the other volunteers. She would just sit there alone during lunch break, watching over the kids who are also having their lunch in a separate room. She would feel out of place like a puppy getting lost in a crowded party. That's how bad her social anxiety is.

Then every now and then, a certain boy would always come down to the cafe to talk to her, keeping her company, filling her days with his jokes. He would make a fool out of himself unintentionally and make her laugh.

She loves being surrounded by kids, so it made her happy. That certain boy occasionally joins her to play with the orphans, and he always manage to lift up the mood because he mixed well with the young orphans.

He's always in her happiest memories when she reminisce her winter break.

The few times when she felt better is when she talks to Baekhyun.

All I can think about is his name, what is wrong with me?

"Well?"the counsellor's voice broke into her chain of thoughts.

"Erm...my parents and my friends make me happy."she replied.

"Then what took you so long to say that?"the counsellor chuckled, leaning back to his chair. 

"Is it weird if someone I only know for a month takes a lot of space in my happy memories?"Taeyeon asked, deciding to ignore his question.

"No. That means that person is special."he said. "You know,"he cleared his throat as he leaned his elbows against his desk. "Teenagers who have friends don't usually come to the counsellor office."

"I came here because I saw the poster in the bathroom."Taeyeon said. "Speak to us when you are lonely."she quoted the poster. "I am feeling lonely."

"Alone or lonely?"the counsellor asked her.

"Lonely."Taeyeon paused before replying. She heaved a sigh and continued, "I actually met someone during our winter break. We connected and I feel like we could become friends."

"Could?"he asked, noticing that Taeyeon used past tense.

"I ruined our friendship because of peer pressure. The both os us can't be friends because of outsiders."she said.

"Student, if you really treasure this friend, nothing, even peer pressure can break you two apart."the counsellor said. "Does this friend make you happy?"

"A lot."she said softly.

"Friends that you can connect with rarely comes into your life a lot, so you should grab onto her."the counsellor said.

"He."Taeyeon can't help but correct the counsellor. "He's a boy."

"Oh."The counsellor's eyebrows creased together as if he thought of something. "You sure you like him as a friend?"

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