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"BYUN BAEKHYUN! BYUN BAEKHYUN! BYUN BAEKHYUN!"The girls cheered loudly from the bench. Taeyeon glanced at the noisy girls and back to Baekhyun who is playing basketball on the court.

Why do girls like him so much? He's not the only guy in school, she thought to herself.

She hitched on her breath when Baekhyun stopped and looked directly at her. It was so obvious, the girls in her class noticed it and started glaring at her. She mentally rolled her eyes at them and continued watching the game.

When Baekhyun scored one score for the team, he jumped in the air and pushed his fist up in the air. That gesture made Taeyeon feel warm.

Okay I admit, he's cute, she thought and quickly cut herself off. God what am I thinking?

Taeyeon quickly stood up from the bench and walked further away from the court.

Just when she was about to leave, the basketball bounced out of the court and flew towards her head, hitting the back of her head with a loud 'pang' sound before bouncing back to the court. The boys looked to see who got hurt, when they realised it's just Taeyeon, they continued playing.

But not Byun Baekhyun.

He hit away the ball his team mate threw at him and stepped out of the court to approach Taeyeon. She winced as she touched the back of her head, she felt a bit dizzy from that ball.

"Are you okay?"Baekhyun asked her, kneeling down beside her.

"Yeah I'm fine."she said, her hand still touching the back of her head. She slowly stood up with Baekhyun's support. "Thanks."

"Yah! Byun Baekhyun! Come back here!"his friend yelled at him from the court.

"Your friends need you. Go, I'm fine."she said, gently shoving his arm.

"I will check on you later. Music room as usual."he whispered to her as the girls sitting at the bench leaned closer to try to listen to their conversation. He winked at her and jogged back to the court.


"What is this?!"

Taeyeon jolted up from her chair and looked up at her father who just slammed her report card on the desk. She quickly stood up and grabbed her report card.

"You are taking your SATs this year, yet you have this kind of results?!"her father shouted, pointing at the report card.

"I tried. I did try to study. It was hard."she started tearing up. "I will work harder for my next exam."

"After your next exam, you have to prepare your SATs! How are you going to pull up your grades?! Your grades were never this bad!"he shouted as her mother ran into the room.

"Stop shouting at your daughter. Just say it nicely."her mother soothed.

"My grades dropped because of group assignments. It wasn't because of my exams."Taeyeon started crying. 

"This isn't working out."her mother sighed. "Honey, would it be okay if you tranfer to another school?"her mother asked her.

"W-What?"Taeyeon stammered.

"Just get homeschooled! She gets distracted so easily in public schools, might as well stay at home."her father interrupted them.

Her mother looked at her father, agreeing with him. The couple then turned to look at their daughter, waiting for her response.

"Homeschooled?"she mumbled to herself.

"Yeobo, let's give our daughter some time to think about it. It's her life after all, not yours."her mother grabbed her father's arm and pulled him along with her to leave their daughter's room. "Come on."

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