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Taeyeon never talked about what she found out about her father to her mum. She couldn't bring herself to bring it up because her mother seems happier these days, probably because of the gifts her father has been giving her out of guilt for cheating on her.

She doesn't want to get in the way of her parents. Maybe her dad realised that he made a mistake and is now trying to mend the relationship with his wife. Taeyeon still isn't sure if she wants to let go of the fact that her father cheated on her mother, as there is a high chance that he will cheat again if things doesn't go well.

Naeun suggested her to go on a blind date to take her mind off things. Seeing different boys and going on numerous dates is Naeun's way of getting her mind off things, it definitely didn't work for Taeyeon.

Now she is just staring at the empty glass in front of her as her date continues talking about himself.

"Taeyeon-ssi? Taeyeon-ssi?"

"H-Huh?"Taeyeon snapped out of her chain of thoughts and looked at her date. Taeyeon felt guilty because her date seems like a nice guy but she isn't paying attention to whatever he is saying. "I'm sorry I had something on my mind, you were saying?"

"Oh it's okay. I understand,"he smiled. Taeyeon smiled back, grateful that her blind date isn't a douche but a gentleman. "Anyways, I was just asking you if you believe that anything worth having is worth working hard for?"

Taeyeon blinked at him, wondering how to respond to that to make her sound wiser. "Yeah I believe in that. That's what make a successful person, isn't it? Hard work pays off overtime."


"What do you want?"

"You know what I want."

Baekhyun looked up from the menu and raised an eyebrow at his cousin.

"I want the chicken salad,"she replied.

"One chicken salad and one lasagna,"Baekhyun turned to the waitress and told her their orders. "Thank you,"he handed her the menu before grabbing the handkerchief on the table to lay it on his lap.

"So...wanna tell me who that girl is? The one that got in your car a week ago?"his cousin pursed her lips and put down her phone, face flat on the table. 

Baekhyun heaved a sigh, knowing that his cousin will eventually ask him about that night. 

"She's a...friend. My highschool friend,"he explained. "We recently reunited after two years."

"Oohh. Just a friend?"his cousin asked, wiggling her eyebrows at him teasingly. "What's her name?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Need to do a background check on her. Isn't that obvious?"

"I know my own acquaintance. There is no need for your background checks."

"That's procedure,"his cousin shot him a sharp look. "The friends you made so far, all of them had a motive. What makes her any different?"

Baekhyun subtly expressed his dissastification with his cousin's nosiness by sharpening the table knife with his fork.

"Cat got your tongue?"his cousin provoked.

"Shut up,"he muttered. "Don't do any background checks on any of my friends. I can handle myself."

"Too late,"his cousin smirked. "Are you interested to know why she was crying that day?"

"Don't tell me. I don't want to know,"he said, clenching his jaw. "Now can you stop talking about that? Let's discuss about the business, shall we?"

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