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The next morning when Taeyeon woke up, she found herself on the bed in the guest room. 

"That's weird. I dont' remember walking back to this room," She mumbled as she scratched the back of her head. "I probably sleep walked back in here."

She got up and washed her face at the toilet outside her room and knocked on Baekhyun's door. He answered with a grunt. Taeyeon smiled and let herself in.

"What time did we sleep last night?"she asked him, stopping in front of his bed.

He stretched his arms and narrowed his sleepy eyes at her. "I don't know. Past midnight?"

"Thanks for helping me sleep last night."

"Yeah...you still fell asleep before me. I had to carry you back to your room," he said in a croaky voice as he sat up on his bed. "Get ready in half an hour. We can have breakfast outside."

"Okay," Taeyeon said, although she doesn't really have to get ready as she doesn't have any clothes to change into. "I will wait for you downstairs."

"See you later..."he yawned as he pushed away the blanket with his legs. I nodded and left his room. I grabbed my bag and my phone and trudged down the stairs lazily.

I switched on my phone to check if anyone contacted me. I was surprised to see thirty missed calls.

"I'm doomed."

There were ten missed calls from her mother and another five from her dad. The other phone calls were from Jiyong and Heechul. Then she went to check the messages.

Kwon Jiyong :

Where r u? 

Your mum called and said that u left home.

call me back asap if u see this, im srsly worried for u


Kim Heechul :


Where did u go?

Ur mum is worried sick n thought u went over to my house

i backed u up and told her that u r staying over at my house

so u better call me back


She sighed as she started to call back her mum, telling her that she's okay and was just staying over at Heechul's house. She believed her and was about to explain to her about the situation at home, but Taeyeon ceased her by saying that she is busy and she will talk to her later. 

She knew what she was doing to her mom is rude because her mother is the victim, but she is no mood to deal with anything regarding her parents' relationship. Because she is too afraid to face the truth.

After that, she hung up and called another person.

It only took two rings for the other person to pick up the phone call.


"Where did you go? Everyone was worried sick," he said on the other line.

"I stayed at...Heechul's place," she lied, feeling her guilt eating her up inside as it's her first time lying to her friend. For some reason, she felt that she will be judged by her friends if they found out that she stayed at a guy's house and knowing her friends, they will bombard her with a lot of questions and assume something happened during her stay at Baekhyun's house.

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