help me out, i need to win | kaisoo

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𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜: 𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚕 𝚔𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚘𝚘, 𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚓𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗, 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚝𝚟 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚞

"For your final track mission, we'll hold a concert and the public will be in charge of your fate," Jongin is intently listening to the MC in front of him. "Each of you will have a solo stage and each of you will have to show the public that you're the one who should win this show," Invisible Idols was Jongin's last opportunity to show his family that this career has a future and that he can become a part of the idol world his family disliked so much.

He's made it into semifinals, multiple times being close to elimination, but he always saved himself in the end. The mission was his last hope to live his life the way he's always wished for, he needed this. There were three other contestants left and each and every one of them was a strong competitor, so coming up with ideas for a marvelous show that would outshine everything else was a tough task. Jongin didn't have any connections like others did; Mark was a cousin of a famous singer Kim Minseok, Eunhyuk came from a well known duo D&E, and Kibum was often seen with the ballad god himself - Kim Jonghyun. Jongin, however, was no one, at least in the public eye.

After the MC shared all the details, a lot of which won't be released in the episode because it would be frankly uninteresting, Jongin left the building feeling a bit desperate. But he wasn't one to just give up, he'd already come this far and even if he wasn't going to win, he has to come up with the best song he's ever created just to make a name for himself.

He had almost four months to prepare for the show since the rest of the episodes was already pre-recorded, and during the first weeks his inspiration was at zero. It wasn't that Jongin is bad at writing lyrics, quite the contrary really, but he felt like he run out of content for his songs. During Invisible Idols he'd already written twelve original songs in the span of seven months they've been recording for, and fans of the show will have had already seen him rap about love, cheating, money and friends by the time of the big concert; what else was there to make a song about?

But then it finally got to him, the inspiration. And all it took was one call with his family.

After the call, Jongin left his small apartment and went straight to the recording studio a few blocks away. He always went there to record because not only was it close, it was also quite unknown therefore not too expensive and not crowded at all yet it offered everything Jongin needed for his songs and more. He spent the whole night there, choosing the perfect beat for his track and he even managed to come up with the first verse. All that sudden progress made Jongin content and shut his anxiety up a little bit, however he was still aware of the collaborations his contestants would come up with while Jongin had no one to be on the stage with him.

He woke up the next morning on the couch in the studio with his notebook on his face and his pen somewhere on the floor since he most probably dropped it there when he fell asleep during writing. The first face he saw after waking up made him believe he was still sleeping. There, in front of him, was standing Do Kyungsoo, one of the top ranked vocalist in Korea, looking confused but amused.

"Well good morning to you," the angel spoke and Jongin still wasn't completely convinced he's awake. He wasn't a proper fan of Kyungsoo since his work wasn't something Jongin would seek out, but he still respected the man because that's what he deserved. At only 25, Do Kyungsoo has already been awarded with countless amount of awards, even managed to take a few acting roles here and there, and he was one of the idols who worked hard to break the stereotypical opinions about idols being manufactured and not having any real talent; Do Kyungsoo was a true inspiration.

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