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Nicholas and his family were already at the church. Nicholas was chatting with the guests as his father tentatively looked at his watch. After a while, Leon motioned his son to take his place at the alter signaling to him that the bride and her family had arrived. Nicholas went to his place awaiting the bride by the priest.

Outside a very nervous Theora stood by her parents. Her nerves finally got the best of her and it was showing.

"This is your big day princess your time to shine" her father smiled giving her shoulder a quick squeeze. Theora just smiled but it faded quickly.

As the bridesmaids went inside one by one soon only Theora and her father were left in the hallway of the church.

"It's time Theora. You ready?" asked her father. Although she felt like she would faint any second Theora nodded and they made their way inside.

Theora kept her head down at first but slowly brought her head up meeting the gaze of the guests who had all stood up. Her heart started beating faster as she felt the presence at the top of the alter.

Nicholas kept his gaze firm on his bride as she made her way down the aisle. She was beautiful not only that stunning actually but he put the thought aside telling himself that his freedom mattered more than any girl.

Theora raised her gaze to meet that of the stranger who soon was to be her husband. He was truly handsome as described but her anxiousness caused her to look away. She squeezed her father's arm tightly not wanting to let go. As they reached the end of the aisle Theora's father patted her hand and whispered "it's going to be fine" in her ear.

Nicholas made his way down the steps to receive Theora he had to play the part of course. As he reached out for Theora's hand her father took his hand and placed it in Theora's keeping them together with his. Her father kissed Theora on her temple before going to his place next to her mother and Yiayia wiping the stray tear he had been struggling to hold back.

Nicholas helped Theora up the steps and she seemed to calm down a bit seeing this. As the priest commenced the ceremony Theora stole small glances towards Nicholas and found he was staring at her every time. Nicholas found himself admiring her again he reasoned he was just playing the part and it benefited him in the long run if everyone attending thought he was smitten by this girl.

As the priest pronounced them husband and wife, Theora felt herself panic again. She had to kiss Nicholas in front of everyone when the priest gave Nicholas permission to kiss the bride she thought she might have a heart attack. Removing her veil Nicholas moved in tilting his head to the side causing Theora to tilt her head away from the guests while to the guests it might have seemed they were sharing a meaningful kiss in actuality Nicholas barely brushed her lips before backing away. Theora was relieved but did find it weird when she gave it thought. Maybe he did it not to make you uncomfortable a voice of reason said from within her and that was enough for her not to think of it again. As they walked down the aisle for the first time as husband and wife, all of the family members flooded the aisle to congratulate them. When they finally reached the limo with rice in their hair they were totally out of breath.

Theora put down one of the vanity mirrors to remove any remaining rice in her hair and to check her makeup and hair. Besides a few grains of rice here and there everything looked good. She nervously closed the mirror feeling Nicholas' gaze on her but when she looked his way he turned his attention towards the window.

Once they arrived at the venue, Nicholas helped her get out of the car which she was thankful for as she wouldn't be able to alone with the large skirt her dress had.

Inside the party had already started with the music blaring and all the cousins and drunk uncles on the dance floor. Nicholas and Theora sit at the table receiving another round of congratulations from guests. As Nicholas's friends insist on him dancing he grabs Theora's hand and leads her to the dance floor. Everyone links hands and starts the circle dance Theora truly smiles for the first time during the day and feels the stress lessen as she dances. After a while, she feels the weight of the dress and whispers to Carmen she wants to sit down both sisters make their way back to the table.

"See I told you he likes you. All that worrying for nothing" Carmen said as they sat down together

"Yeah I guess you were right" Theora smiled towards her husband who was happily dancing with his friends.

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