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Theora and Nicholas reached Tenerife, the largest island among the Canary Islands, at around eight pm local time. Leon had booked them their own private villa which had its own pool and was right on the beach. Once they had settled in Theora sat by the pool dangling her legs in the cool water.

"It's really nice out here isn't it?" Nicholas said also submerging his legs into the water sitting next to her.

"Yeah it's very peaceful" she replied "you ever been here before?"

"About a year back, I hired a yacht and might have had a five day party in the ocean" admitted Nicholas scratching the back of his head.

"Must have been fun"

"To be honest I don't remember much of it I was so drunk the whole time"

"No wonder you were so against this marriage you were having the time of your life before I came along"

"I used to believe that but now I realise how hollow that lifestyle was. I was such an entitled a**hole thinking the world was at my feet and everything was for grabs. Now that I think of my old self I want to go back in time and beat the living daylights out of me"

"That would a funny site to see" laughed Theora.

"Where have you traveled to?" Asked Nicholas

"Well let's see there were the summer visits to Greece, going to Greece for Christmas and the few times we went on a cruise in.."

"Greece" Nicholas finished for her

"You guessed it" laughed Theora "we did go to the Montana ski lodge once when I was a kid and on my sixteenth birthday we went to Hawaii which was also nice"

"Really when's your birthday?"

"Do they have dolphins here?"

"I don't know but we could go snorkelling tomorrow if you want to"

"Sounds good" Theora said getting up "I think I'm going to go to bed"

"I'm staying out here for a while you go ahead" Nicholas replied gazing out into the horizon.

The next morning, Theora woke up to the noise of Nicholas snoring.

"What the.." She said in annoyance "Nicholas!" She shouted shaking him to wake him up.

"Uhh... what... what is it?" Nicholas woke up rubbing his eyes

"What are you doing here!"


"This is a villa there are like ten other rooms here"

"We had extra rooms back home yet we still slept in the same bed"

"That was different Yaiyai came by then your parents that's why we stayed in the same room"

"We still slept in the same bed after they left"

"Well I thought they'd visit every so often so I went with it but here we're hundreds of miles away"

"Still I don't get what's the big deal either there or here"

"And since when do you snore?!"

"I don't snore!"

"You do, loudly at that. In fact it's the reason why I woke up"

"Theora Markopolous I didn't realise you were such a liar"


"I don't believe you"

"Fine stay in denial for all I care"



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