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The next morning, Nicholas stood in front of Theora's door trying to gather enough courage to knock. He had been awake all night long thinking about how much Theora had changed since he screwed things up and that's when Nicholas thought the only way he could redeem himself was to fix things. He didn't know how but he knew he had to start somewhere and that start was by talking to Theora. Finally when he calmed his nerves enough to knock on her door Nicholas blanked forgetting the whole speech he had prepared in his head last night. He thought of making a run for it but before he could move an inch Theora opened the door. Theora had just put her hair into a ponytail after getting dressed into a loose fitting shirt and sweatpants and was about to leave the room when Nicholas knocked. As her gaze fell on Nicholas, Theora narrowed her eyes angrily and attempted to shut the door but Nicholas put his foot between the door just in time.

"Please Theora just hear me out" he pleaded "just this once"

Taking a deep breath Theora relented opening the door but stood in the doorway.


"Can I come in atleast?"


"Fine. Theora I know I've apologised before but this time I'm not here for that not that I'm not sorry but I don't expect you to forgive me either. After what I did, I don't deserve to be forgiven but Theora please don't let my stupidity affect your life in anyway. I don't want you to alienate your family or subject them to anger that should be directed at me" Nicholas said

"You done" Theora interrupted

"Theora I.."

"You asked me to hear you out and I think I've heard enough. What happens between me and my family is none of your business and as far as forgiving you that I agree on you don't deserve to be forgiven. Now please could you move to the side I'd like to go downstairs" with that Theora pushed past him and made her way downstairs. Nicholas stood there for a good minute feeling utterly useless and thought this must be how Theora felt everytime he told her off or yelled at her.

"Karma you are one unmerciful bitch" he muttered to himself slumping into the wall behind him.

Down at the Botsaris home, Yaiyai was beside herself her anger grew by the second as she thought of yesterday and when Yaiyai got angry she got angry with everything that moved.

"You stupid fool!" She yelled at the maid "why is my tea so sweet? Take it away and don't show me your face ever again!"

"Yaiyai please calm down your blood pressure will go over the roof" Demos said patting her hand

"All the better, I wish it had killed me yesterday before your girl humiliated me at Carmen's" Yaiyai spat

"I'll talk to Theora, Yaiyai"

"No! That girl Demos. I saw something in her now I might be old but I'm not stupid. That rage I saw yesterday can only mean one of two things either Nicholas is dotting on her too much so she feels entitled"

"But that's a good thing Yaiyai why are you worried about that?"

"Let me finish Demos." Yaiyai scolded before continuing "OR there's something wrong with their marriage making Theora this angry"

"Yaiyai yesterday could've been a one time occurrence" rationalised Theora's mother coming into the room. She had been avoiding Yaiyai all day but couldn't help herself once she overheard their conversation.

"What else can be expected from you? Taking her side after what she did yesterday"

"I'm not taking her side but maybe your seeing too much into this"

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