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"Theora! Where have you put my Mont Blanc pens?" Nicholas yelled scouring the closet.

"In the top drawer!" Theora called back. She was in the bedroom making their bed.

"Which top drawer?" Asked Nicholas looking at the numerous drawers in the large walk-in closet.

"The one on your side!"

"Again which one on my side?"

Taking a sigh in frustration Theora threw the pillow she was fluffing back on the bed and made her way to the closet.

"This drawer right here" she said pulling the drawer open to reveal the numerous boxes of Mont Blanc pens. "Which one do you want?"

"The gold one" Nicholas said and Theora picked up the pen and took a look at it. "This one has your name engraved on it"

"Actually it has my grandfather's name engraved on it. I was named after him" explained Nicholas "father gave it to me the day I joined the office. I only use it for special documents and occasions"

"Like being announced as the new CEO of Markopolous Inc." Theora said placing the pen in his pocket and then resting her hands on his chest. "Nervous?"

"Very but I have you by my side which makes things a little better"

"Only a little" Theora cocked an eyebrow while playfully snaking her arms around his shoulders.

"Well there is something you could do to calm my nerves" Nicholas suggested slowly walking forward and pinning her against the wall.

"And what could that be?"

"Why don't I just show you" Nicholas said before crashing his lips against hers. Theora didn't waste time in responding to the kiss. Their make out sessions has been getting more and more intense since the night Nicholas proposed and every second was like torture on Nicholas and it showed. He groaned against Theora's lips when he heard his phone ringing.

"You'll be the death of me you know that" he said breathlessly breaking the kiss.

"Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet" Theora playfully replied untangling herself from him.

"Well atleast I can have a little bite of that fruit for now" Nicholas grabbed Theora from behind nipping her earlobe causing her to gasp in pleasure. "What were you saying about patience?" He said burying his head in the crook of her neck.

"Nicholas your phone it's still ringing" Theora said trying to break away from his hold but Nicholas kept her firm in place but still answered the phone.

"Hello. Yeah I'm on my way. Okay prepare everything I'll be in the office in twenty minutes" Nicholas spoke into the phone before hanging up.

"So no breakfast today as well" Theora said leaning back into him

"I can have breakfast in the office you on the other hand I can only have here" Nicholas said turning her around before looking at his watch "I'm going to be late. What time will you come by to the office?"

"I'll be there at five. Is that okay with you?"

"You in a sexy dress coming to my office why would I have a problem with that"

"Go Nicholas or you'll never get to the office"

"Fine I'll go" he said placing a quick kiss on her lips and turning to leave "I love you"

"I love you too" replied Theora and with that Nicholas left in a hurry as his phone began ringing again.

Theora went downstairs to the kitchen, Misha had come back to work a few days ago and was happily singing away in the kitchen.

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story) Where stories live. Discover now